Entry 34: A Meeting of Kings

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I walk over to a spot near the palace and the courthouse. Next, I build a large building in the classical Colonial style, the outer walls made of limestone blocks.
Adding three separate chambers on the first floor, one the second floor there are offices and finally in the basement will house a national archive, that was built to almost withstand the end of the day, and finally, I put in some Guest bedrooms for visiting Diplomats

Alright, im done with that, now I am going to tell Qrow to invite Ironwood, maybe he can smooth some things out, I walk over to my palace and as I was about to open the door, Qrow comes out.

"Hey Qrow, I need you to send this letter to General Ironwood, we might be able to avoid war entirely if we can convince him we are more powerful than Atlas, which, in the next few days Im going to accomplish," I said

"Kid, you are about to talk with very influential members of Atlas and Vale, it been fun here, I wouldn't want this place to be wiped off the maps"

"Don't worry, Atlas won't wipe us away too easily, besides if we get too deep into battle, I can always drop a very large bomb on the city rendering it uninhabitable for several decades, but if Ironwood and the council decide to end this war and help us to rebuild the city, but that won't happen?" I said

"Kid, Atlas has thousands of innocent people there," Qrow said

"We have those too, but Atlas attacked us, the people need some sort of retribution, otherwise they could turn on me, I have a suspicion that some wonder if I am even qualified for this position, listen, Im not going to destroy Atlas, but if they want a war, they will be decimated," I said

I turn away from Qrow and walk to a secluded portion of the forest nearby and 50,000 clay soldiers(they look like real humans), next I cast [programing] to make them capable of combat, as well as make them capable of understanding advanced commands

"Soldiers, 25,000 spread out over the forest and look for hostile people and Grimm," I give this command as I form various weapons in their hands

Half do leave in squads leaving a final 25,000, I tell them to follow me and we enter the city and walk around performing different tasks such as rebuilding homes, clearing rubble, and passing health potions around.

They also begin building coffins for people who passed in the fight, we lost a total of 150 people, we found 12 Atlesien soldiers who were killed. The people won't take being under attack so often, they will want to return the favor, so we can send a few war blimps to attack the mines in retaliation for this attack, Ironwood knows my capabilities, so if he wants it to stop, we will have to agree.

We have the issue of getting aircraft to distant battlefields so I create plans for an aircraft carrier Blimps and a couple of large railguns around the walls built in the ground, after the plans are drawn I contact some contractors and send the plans over.

Those won't be done completely for a couple of months so those are mainly for if this battle goes farther than what it is. The future depends on how the talks go.

The talks with the village chiefs are also important to our future if we form a single state or something similar, it would increase our power over the continent if we could gain control of the Matsu sea then we could easily use that as a huge trade network, and if we set off underwater Anti-Grimm nukes then we could completely purify that sea, but that is a big project, would take a lot of Holy mana and Grimm nukes.

Anyway, things are going to be okay, we will still tall, for now, I need to address the people.

I walk to the radio station and expand
It out, I fill the new Tv studio with equipment, finally, I build a studio camera and cut down at the desk, I take the radio broadcaster and tv camera and began my post-attack address.

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