Entry 18

1.4K 33 4

[For sleeping in a safe comfortable environment HP and MP have been fully recovered and given a 1% bounus]

[LvL up x8
-20 REP with Atlas[you are a terrorist]]

[Funds: 21,659,872L
Members: 463
Public support: 500
R-dex: 1
Militant strength:2]

[Food:150 tonnes
Water:60k gallons
Material: 16k units
Employment rate: 99.6
Gov. System: monarchy

Policies: free housing,
Free Market
Public Education]

Since when did I get +157 people, and how does Atlas know who did the firebombing. No, it doesn't matter, what does is getting back to Haskaria.

I walk into the rooms where the others sleep and woke them up.

"Guys, right now we need to hurry and leave so we can get back to Haskaria soon" everyone began gathering their stuff.

But before we left I doused us all down with water and soap before calling all the water back and dispelling it back to the air.

Now we are clean and smell fresh, We head out the door of the cabin and begin work on making the plane work as it should.

First I make a small but very powerful engine. I make a place to add dust or any other combustible, and finally, I add some Rutter and wing controls.

Now I put as much dust as I could in the tank and started the plane, it sputtered a bit before eventually starting.

When everyone got on the plane, I started moving forward while reducing the gravity of the plane. we soon took off and begun flying I turned the plane towards Mistral and continued.

after several hours of flight, I see an island, I dropped the altitude and slowed the plane before increasing wind resistance slowing down the plane. I then used gravity to lower the plane further to the ground before landing.

I step out of the plane and look at the island. It looks to be uninhabited by people.

The others step out and walk up behind me.

"This is the Island of vytal, a lot of history took place here, it also means we are heading the wrong way," Qrow said

"That's just great. We can stay here for a bit while I figure out how to get us to mainland Anima, the plane just isn't enough, I don't have the precision with my magic to create a better engine." I explained

"What if you make a boat, you can make the water resistance practically zero and make gravity less of an issue," Qrow said

"That will be very difficult for me as I just made the plane engine and used a lot of mana landing the plane. Using two affinities at once is very difficult as it consumes mana for each affinity so it is twice as much being consumed" I explained "that's why I fainted last night"

Qrow sighed.

"Let's just rest a bit and we can continue later, I don't physically need sleep, it's only to restore mana. so I can technically stay awake forever, it would suck. But I can do it" I explained

"Fine we can rest, you work your magic," Qrow said

I nod as I pull out some fruit and water for the others to snack on.

I walk over to a tree and lay under the tree. All the creations of my old life running through my mind, as well as all of my creations here. The train won't work, a boat will be too slow and a plane will need fuel, but we are going over the ocean so if we run out of fuel I would have to stop us from crashing down.

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