entry 19

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four hours ago I walked into my completed laboratory and a screen popped up in my face

[greetings gamer, this is your laboratory, it is equipped with everything your heart can desire for the pursuit of science, make sure you write what you discover because it may come in handy for teaching future generations]

I went over to a table, sat next to it, placed a flask down, drew some blood from myself, and placed it in a flask, then I got a separate flask and filled it with soap water, and salt before mixing it. I then put the blood in a centrifuge and put a time bubble around it, in an instant the blood separates into layers, the red blood cells are taken out and placed into a separate flask. I then take a blender and break up the blood cells as much as possible.  after the cells are split open I then mix the soapy salt solution to bring out the DNA.

mix the mixture for a few minutes before straining anything out of the mixture, next, I take the mixture and place some really cold rubbing alcohol in the mixture, and seconds the mix separates into these white stringy structures, its the DNA, I let it all float to the top before scraping it off and filtering it, I then rinse it with some more alcohol before taking a small amount and laying it on a microscope slide, I then use a very small high pressure to slice the DNA apart before binding them back together in a different order. suddenly my mind was filled with knowledge about DNA and different organisms.

[biology magic discovered]                                                                                                                                                [death magic discovered]

I lift my hand and point it at the table and create a small bird and fill its lungs with air suddenly it jumps up and looks at me then flys over and lands on my head.......right.

I walk out of the lab and walk to the storeroom where I begin to make a cow and bring it to life it moo's and I pass out.

now present time the cow is chewing on my hair as I wake up.

'' ho boy that took a lot of mana'' I said rubbing my hair back down

I walk out of my lab and walk towards the forest, I pull out the small planet I made and added several small animals of different species before putting the largest time bubble I could around the planet, one second equals 100 years.

in an instant, I saw the planet change and shift like a living being its self, it's sort of like a universe sandbox, and the sims mixed, I pull my planet back into my inventory before going back to the village and looking around.

so many people are here, in the show this village had a lot of Japanese and Chinese stylistic influence, but here its culture, is it possible to change that? I absolutely love the fantasy and steampunk aesthetic, but I don't know how to incorporate it into normal use without becoming a heavy industry state. slowly adding more industry and selling those products would make us richer as a nation. 

[emergency quest, save your city from the Grimm and bandits headed to your town]

I jump up and quickly run to the middle of the village and begin ringing the emergency bell, soon enough every citizen was at the clock tower.

"attention everyone we have spotted Grimm and bandits headed straight for the city, please all capable fighters and the rest go to the evacuation bunker, it is safe so no reason to panic," I said loudly, peleus and some guards began to move people to the bunker while the rest of us left to get thins ready.

I ran to every entrance and blocked it with large steel spikes that are as sharp as hypodermic needles, then set up some barriers and places for cover. then I got on the walls and materialize several different weapons, like rifles, mounted machine guns, RPGs, and multiple grenades.

"Everyone grab a weapon and 3 grenades and set up at any of the gates, five on each side, and five outside behind the barriers. then five inside to help with support, make sure the five outside have the large machine guns" I ordered 

not long after we got set up around 30 bandits came out of the forest with swords, guns, maces, and various other weapons, once they got about 30 yards away I ordered them all to fire, dozens of the bandits dropped instantly, the rest scurried behind rocks.

"toss a grenade at the nearest bandit you see" I ordered once more

80 explosions go off killing even more bandit, the bandits that didn't get injured retreated.

"Grimm will be here next, support will go retrieve as many injured as you can, the dead we can get after the Grimm," I explained

the growls could be heard for the forest 


the beasts burst through the forest snd charge at us before being pelted by a spray of bullets while I spray [holy fire] killing several. the sound of gunfire, the smell of the sulfur... it reminds me of my old home. this will not by far be the end of the Empire. we shall stand.


"everyone, throw every grenade you have! Blow those monsters back to the hell they came from. I take to the skies with air magic and look down on the battlefield, I close my eyes and begin to think of haskaria and the friends of my past life and this one.  i feel the power of the silver eyes grow within me, suddenly a burst off power exits my eyes turning all the Grimm on the battlefield to ash. 

my vision fades as I hear the cheers and screams of victory. this is it. this is the beginning of the adventures of haskaria and the United Phoenix Empire. we have a great deal of strength in ourselves and even more so when we combine our strength. we will only grow from here, as the king-Emperor of this nation it's my duty to make sure we thrive.

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