Entry 10

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Pietro and peleus have a seat at the table in my office and begin talking.

"Excuse me for a moment while I get some tea for us," I said

I leave the office and walk into the kitchen. I grow a tea tree, it's a da hong pao, from what I remember of my past life it was the most expensive tea in the world, after the tree matured I took some leaves and dried them by taking all the moisture out.

[Food affinity discovered]

I put the dried leaves in a  quartz teapot and boiled some [holywater] for the healing effect, I make a few quartz teacups and make a sugar container and fill it with some sugar, quickly utilizing the new food affinity.

I quickly make some simple PB&J tea sandwiches and place them on a gold platter before entering the office once again.

"I apologize for the wait, today has been a bit hectic with getting the dust ready and stored" I calmly explained "I brought tea and some snacks for our discussion"

"Yes, it's no problem at all, it been great to finally get caught up with Peleus once more, and if I may say this tea smells amazing," Pietro said after filling his cup  and putting in a bit of sugar

"Im glad to hear, now I hear you are looking for a lot of high-grade dust, perhaps military-grade, why come to us, im sure the SDC would be happy to help," I say

"You would be correct, we need as much you can give. Atlas is working on a project that is needing a lot of dust. On to your point about the SDC, they supply 80% of dust as it is, and 95% of military-grade dust. Now most military-grade dust is used in ammo for Huntsman or the atlas military, but some are used for secret projects" he explained.

"So you are looking for an outside source to supply higher quality dust, and that just so happens to be us" I reiterated " so how much are you looking for, whats your price range, is this a one-time thing, or are you going to be getting more later"

"Well, for now, I can say I will pay 100,000 a crate and need as much as I can get," he said

"Currently I have 200 crates in storage, 100,000 x 200 is 20 million,"  I said

"Splendid, I will call for extra ships and then hand over the money," he said

"Wait, you are just going to hand that over to me, more importantly, you have that much?" I said slightly surprised

"Yeah, it's Atlas funding," he said

"Ok, I would be happy to help you, I will even get some of the people of this village to help," I told him

"I thank you humbly, also I must ask what type of tea this is, as it is a very delicious tea, and I definitely feel much better than when I came in," he said

"Its a very, VERY rare tea that only grows in these mountains, they get the healing factor from the local streams," I said lying through my teeth once again

[Lie successful]

"Astonishing, I know the higher class of Atlas would pay big money for this tea" he exclaimed

"Perhaps we should get some large scale growing operations for this tea, wouldn't you think so peleus"I asked

" if you think it would be a good idea, it would also bring tourism, so getting hotels set up would be great," he said

"Hmm, well I think this was a great meeting, if you ever feel like helping us out, give us a call," I said handing him a makeshift business card

"Thank you, and do hope to have further meetings in the future" Pietro said

We leave the office and I head to my bedroom and sleep for an hour and a half.

[For sleeping mp and hp have been refilled]

I leave the house and return to my warehouse, I enter, and I don't have anything to do, I can put my old skills to use.

I walk to the center of the warehouse and build a long wooden table, I then make a barrel that sits on a stand with a crank to spin it. Then I make a few quartz beakers and other chemistry tools.

I make 4 big barrels and fill each with, sugar, potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal.

Finally, I make a 5ft long aluminum tube with a nozzle at the bottom. Next, I make a stand to hold the tube, I next fill the makeshift tumbler with water, potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur. I make a metal tube with a nose cone on it and a small hole at the bottom.

I turn the tumbler into one powered by a water wheel. And I just make a tank of water and keep it moving.

While the tumbler is working, I next take a large amount of sugar and potassium nitrate and mix it, I take the mixture and put it in a stone pot, and heat it if it where it is not exposed to open flame.

Next, taking the mixture I fill the aluminum tube. I cap off the top with a piece of aluminum with a small hole at the top, I fill that hole with cotton.

Finally, I go back to the tumbler and remove all water from the powder and dump it into the nose cone tube.

I attach the cone and make some stabilizers, and a wick. And boom a makeshift missle.

I put the missle on a guide stand and pit that on a cart. I drag the cart out to the center of the village and raise a tall pillar of stone under me and the missle.

"People of haskaria, with this missle, we are a step closer to pushing back the Grimm, this missle uses an explosive that was discovered by me. It's 10 times as powerful as any current missle atlas has, with this one missle we can level a city block. Let's test it, I will aim it at the forest." I said

Aiming the missle at the forest I light the missle and it shows off, as soon as the fuel ran out it was a few feet from the ground, the explosion knocked many trees over but what no one but me saw, was the large increase of XP, Grimm pelts, and Lein.

"With this, I suspect we could take down a Goliath," I said

They stare amazed firstly that I made a large tower of earth, but also the strength of the missile.

I lower the Earth back down just to where all of them could see me.

"I know there isn't much to do yet but jobs are coming, once we get different tools that we need, we will get started tomorrow as there are a few small tools I can make here. We will be needing farmers, lumberjacks, and builders. We can get started tomorrow with lumberjacks and farmers" I explain before lowering the earth flat.

I walk away from the city center back to my warehouse, I shrink everything but the dust and place it in my inventory, once everything is clear I begin to make axes, hammers, saws, and farming equipment. After a few hours, I lay down and go to sleep on a big pile of cotton.

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