Entry 15

1.5K 27 8

[+3 lvls to string instrument mastery
Music I affinity added]

Once we made it to Atlas, the aircraft landed in Mantle and we all stepped off.

"Whoa, this is pretty awesome, never thought I would see a city that looked like this. It's awesome" I said

"This is a dark and bland slum, where is the greatness of Atlas I always heard of," Emerald asked

"This is a slum, Atlas is the floating city in the sky, Mantle is under it. It's very metaphorical, as the rich of Atlas look down on the average person of Mantle" Qrow explained

"Wow Qrow, I didn't know you were such a poet" I joked

"The people of Atlas will say the same thing about Atlas," Qrow said

"Vinny, let's get some pancakes, it been such a long trip, and im starving," Nora said

"Once we get to the fancy hotel, you can have all the pancakes you want, for now, we need to get some fancy clothes made so they don't kick us out" I explain

"Aww, fine. But I except the absolute best pancakes EVER!!!" Nora yelled

"Aye, shut up," someone said passing us

I look at him with a glare before walking to the nearest motel.

"Alright so I am going to be trying to make our clothes for this hotel called the Glass Unicorn, we could either pay others to do it or I could make them" I explained

Let it be known that I tried to rely on a different source rather than my powers.

I only know few materials that I can use with my current powers

We find a hotel for the night and I begin to work on the clothes.
I make Nora a pink and white, cotton and lotus silk poof dress it had gold and dust sown into it

Next, I make Emeralds with the same style but green

Next is me, Ren, And Qrow

For my suit jacket and tie, I use a blue silk velvet with gold trim around the edges of the jacket, and gold floral patterns on the tie. I made black silk pants and a white shirt and vest

For Ren, I made it the same as mine but the jacket was green with purple trim, and he had a purple and gold bow tie.

Qrow got a white jacket with gold trims and a red tie with silver floral patterns and a grey vest.

Next, I make rings and necklaces for the girls.

Nora got a pink Diamond and gold jewelry.

Emerald got gold and well.....Emerald jewelry.

Finally, I make silver and Diamond tiaras

After all of that work, I look at the time

{4:58 am}

There ain't no rest for the weary I suppose.

To finish off the night I made a bunch of clothing for the 5 of us.

After 3 hours I made 6 pairs of normal clothing for all of us.

I stand up and get hit by a few notifications

[Earth, metal, and plant affinity maxed out.
+3lvl ups]

After reading that I look at my affinities

[magical affinity control(LVL 55)
* allows the user to control affinities such as:
-fire VII
-water V
-earth X
-wind IV
-purity I
-plant X
-darkness I
-metal X
-dust VII
-food II
-holy III
-music I
-time II
-gravity III]

Nice, things are going great, next im interested in creating life in the form of cattle and chickens.

Alright, time to get everyone up.....or I could use a time bubble to let them sleep in.

I set up a 1 sec = 30 minutes time bubble and before long they all woke up.

"Alright, so last night I made us all an outfit, and if I may say. They are fitting of people who are to be called Royalty or rich" I said "so let's get ready for a long day"

"Yes sir," the 3 kids said jokingly

"U-uh yes sir," Qrow said awkwardly, not being used to saying that to someone who is a third of his age

"So, first on the agenda is breakfast," I said using food affinity to make a large Continental Breakfast.

I made pastries, pancakes, fruit, biscuits, and gravy(a/n sausage gravy for the win) some sausage links, and bacon.

"Vinny, I think im in love," Nora said with a blush

"NOW KISS," Emerald yelled teasing Nora

"Not with Vinny silly, he's my honorary brother, but this pancake. It could go places" Nora continued

"Nora, im glad you like pancakes but please finish your food so we can get to the Glass Unicorn hotel," I said sighing

We finished off the food and I brought every that was part of the breakfast and put it in my inventory.

"Alright, we now need to get changed into our outfits and get up to Atlas so we can get a layout of the Hotel" I explained

In another room, Qrow was looking at the TV that was showing a repeat of me killing grim while flying

"Hey kid, you're on the news," Qrow said from the tv room

"What!!" I asked surprised

I ran in and sure enough, it shows me jumping off the top of the airship flying by the Grimm with a dagger killing them.

"It is unclear where this kid is but if you are listening to this on account of all of Atlas and Mantle, we thank you," the news reporter said "join us tonight to see if pigs can fly"

I turned off the tv before getting a notification

[+80 Rep with Atlas +100Rep with Mantle]

"Well kid, at least now you can say you are well known and it is true," he said before getting a call

I left the room to get ready to go and give Qrow some privacy

Qrow answered "hello"

"Hello Qrow, im currently watching a news report on a child and his apparent father fighting some Grimm near Argus, could tell me about this," the caller asked

"Ah oz, see I am with the kid, we are on a mission to help a girl who is being abused," Qrow said

"Very well, also James was trying to get ahold of you as well, he wanted to find this kid too, and meet with him" Oz explained

"Alright, I'll talk to you later Oz"

"Same to you Qrow, be safe,"

Qrow left the room and grabbed his suit, and he had to say, it was very well made. It was comfortable and looked awesome.

After everyone got done with their clothes they congregated back to the main room.

"Dang, you all are looking fine," I said

"This is really well-made kid, this looks outrageously expensive," Qrow said

"Yes, well I had to go all out on this so I can display an air of dominance, I actually want to try something new before we leave," I said leaving the room.

I came back in and subtly increased the gravity of the room.

"Greetings, it's great to finally meet you all, you see I believe we have business to attend to," I said increasing the gravity a bit more at the end of my statement before returning it back to normal

"wow Vinny, you were so scary, it felt like you just entering the room put pressure on my chest," Nora said quickly

[Intimadation skill added]

"Alright, let's get this super awesome mission started," I said

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