Entry 23

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"Men and Women of Haskaria, today we stand on the steps of another battle, I'm sorry for the constant fighting, but if these bandits are not eliminated we will fight every single day for the rest of our lives, these bandits are just as heartless as the Grimm. SO! let us fight them as they are the Grimm. SHOW THEM NO MERCY!!!"


"your commanders know the plan, and squads have been chosen, for now, stay in the A-TT, once you are told to leave make sure you have everything. now I must go to initiate the attack." I explained

I quickly ran up the steps of the war blimp with my crew, everyone did their preflight checks and started firing up the furnaces, I helped out by getting the boilers hotter quicker. once that was done we began to lift off and head towards the village.

I ran down to the bomb bay and I and Mikhail began loading bombs into place. we loaded all 10 rocket launchers, filled the 16 capacity bomb bay, and loaded the .50 cals.

"We are just starting to go over the city, take aim, and begin the blitzkrieg " the captain yelled

I opened the bomb bay doors and let the bombs go, meanwhile Mikhail was launching the rockets in various directions, in the corner of my eye the system told me when some bandits had been taken out. I quickly filled the bomb bay with bombs again, before dropping them on the village. 

I look out the bomb bay doors at the front gate in time to see the train bust through the defenses, men and women jumped out and took aim at the bandits and fired on them taking more out. deciding to leave them to it I loaded more bombs and dropped them further leveling the village. once we had completely made our run through the village, we turned around and I and Mikhail hopped on the .50 cals and played a classic game of duck hunt.

I could see in the distance our men that right now I will name the Haskarian Defense Force or the HDF. they are fighting the bandits with pride. being behind the enemy has given us the ability to flank them. I and Mikhail began mowing the bandits down. we paused.

the remaining bandits looked around and saw the people whom they fought beside, people they were family and friends with, all dead, gone. many dropped to their knees, others tried to run but were captured. the bandits were broken.

"now let's find the leader of this group, I assume they would be in the town hall drop me off there," I told the captain he nodded and flew the ship over, I got out and walked into the town hall.

entering the main chamber I see Raven Brawnwen standing at the large window watching her bandit clan fall apart and the town burnt to the ground.

"Raven Brawnwen as the King-emperor of the Haskarian empire you are under arrest for subversion of the state, and orchestrating a terrorist group," I said

"oh? has ozpin stuped so low that now he uses 8-year-olds" Raven mocked

"I'm eleven so shut the frick up, I'm also not with Ozpin, I am my own faction, that also means I'm not with Salem. you though have attacked my sovereignty and you must pay for that crime." I sain creating a platinum sword "so make it easy and surrender for your crimes"

"hmm you know too much to be a normal kid, Im not going to surrender to a kid," Raven said

I sighed and made some heavy titanium chains that traped her feet to the ground. I then made some handcuffs, she fell to the ground, but as she fell, she swung the handcuffs behind her opening a portal before falling through, bringing the floorboards with her.

I sigh again just as Peleus enters the room.

"What happened?" he asked

"oh, nothing much, she went through a portal and now is chained in some random part of the world. no matter, our mission is complete and this town can begin rebuilding" I explained

[mission complete.                                                                                                                                                                 outcome: victory                                                                                                                                                                    casualties: citizens:12 dead-15 injured, bandits: 28 dead, 55 injured, 68 captured]

[spoils of war include: 1mil lein, reputation among the continent, 1k units of various dust,  68 prisoners of war, new land claim, title: commander in chief(increases military morale whenever you give a speech, slightly demotivates the enemy if they hear the speech]

great, this is awesome, we will have to figure out what to do with the prisoners, and we will need to do something about our own losses,  it will have to be memorialized as a national holiday. we can also install a burial system used in Skyrim, I will have to dig out the barrows or whatever they are called, and I will need to institute a grave master, in general, we need to become more institutionalized weather than just me going off the top of my head. all thoughts for a later day though for now the people of haskaria need food and rest before this place can be made safe.

going back to the camp I laid down and rested, as I began to drift off to sleep, I began to think about my time here in this world. It had more ups and downs than I ever realized. but things have worked out. I didn't have much of a plan when I woke up in this world, just that I wanted to see haskaria return. it was me holding on to the remnants of what I had left. but now I've grown friendships that hope to grow far more into the future.

It is only going to get harder as we are recognized, but as long as I have my friends and people to rely on we will be okay. haskaria will stand and my goal to eliminate the Grimm, Salem, and her plan to destroy the earth will be completed. the next goals are to make a Guild system to encourage Grimm's killing. We will develop the education system to encompass some basic Grimm combat, and I may work on some new biological experiments.

All in due time


A/N thank you all for your support, im very thankful you all read this story.

this is the end of volume one, I'll be taking a break for a couple of weeks to refresh my brain. but once I start writing again be sure to look for updates on this story as it's going to get really good 

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