Entry 2

3.2K 48 26

[Name: Vincent paul
Titles: Forgotten king(gives you+7 Chr and +8 Wis
LVL: 10
Int: 21

Stat points:50


Gamers life(MAX)

Advanced Explosive making(lvl. 43)
*you can make and understand the functions of creating an advanced explosive device*

Natural leaders(MAX)
*when leading people you get a +6 Chr modifier*

Automatic weapons mastery(lvl12)

Small arms mastery(LVL19)

Hand to hand combat mastery(LVL30)

magical affinity control(LVL 25)
* allows the user to control affinities such as:

Observe(LVL 20)]

It has been a good 3 months since I got here, I have yet to go near people due to fears of good death but I think now would be a good time to head out, I have spent the past 3 months living out of an earth hut.

Life on Remnant is truly more difficult than living one Earth, I fight every day just for a small dirt hut, it works but this world can be more than what I see, from watching the show and now living in the world, I see people locked behind the walls of kingdoms fearing for their safety when they could be fighting, they could be engaged in combat.

Im not talking about ozpins Little shadow war either, something needs to be done, the Grimm needs to be killed and the kingdoms need to expand.

So what is my plan? Well, when fighting a bigger force it's better to split them up into more manageable portions.

For instance, if you have a city with 20,000 soldiers in it and you have 12000 send 1 group of 500 to split up their forces and then take your other 11500 out and destroy your enemies

So, I am going to take on the smaller forces that hold Salems plans in place: the Grimm, the White fang, as well as the other groups siding with Her.

[Quest: a better world

Objective A: takeout all of salems agents

Objective B: kill all the Grimm (100,000,000/100,000,000)and destroy all 30,000 pools of darkness.

Reward A: 10,000 exp, highly increased influence with Beacon and ozpins circle, slightly increase influence on the world

I stand from a bench I was sitting on and decided to head to the closest town I saw on the map.

----------------------[time. Skip]

It's been 2 days since I left my hut and I have finally made it to the village, the only problem is that it's on fire and being attacked by Grimm, I pull out a wooden club that I made and run into the village killing a few low-level Grimm, I look around the village looking for survivors, I run to a building that was still standing some and look through the building only finding dead people, underneath me, I hear a little girl scream slightly.

I exit the building and look under the house to find two other kids that look around my age one in ragged torn clothes the other in a green Japanese style of clothing......its ren and Nora........well then.

"Are you guys okay"?

They both nodded. I then crawled under the house with them.

"Ok, so what is going to happen is we will run from building to building, crawl under them till we reach the edge of the village where we will make our escape," I told them

A few hours later we made it to the edge of the village where we ran in a direction in the woods, we made our way back to my original House in the following days.

I expanded my house a bit to give Ren and Nora their rooms and a place to make and eat food

"U-uh you never told us your name," Nora said nervously

"Oh yes, of course, my name is Vincent, but you can call me Vinny"

"H-hi Vinny, im Nora, and this his lie ren," Nora said

"Just call me ren, "ren said

" very well, Nora, ren how would you like to help me fight the monsters that hurt this world," I asked

They both looked at me and nodded

-------3 months later----------

Int: 29

Stat points:48

Teaching Nora and ren to fight has been really coming along, they can easily take out beowulfs on their own, and together they can take out a Boarbatusk and an Ursa minor.

I have also been grinding my elemental magic and can now use stone as well as dirt, I used this to make defensive walls and towers as well as update the keep as im calling it now

Next, something that I want to try is potions, I go to the help menu and mentally search up potions.

[Potions are magical drinks that can be obtained by chance by killing monsters and enemies, they can spawn in chests, and dungeons, finally they can be created with ingredients you find in the world, by combining them in a pot with water and pushing purity mana to make Health, stamina and mana potions, to make poisons and harmful potions you would add darkness mana]

"Well that was a lot of help, thanks to the game," I said

I go pick some berries and wild plants and make a stone pot, fill it with water, and put the berries some dried moss then I push in some purity mana, the stone pot bubbled violently before it turned a deep red color.

I do it again but with some vines and roots and the color turned blue.

'So I just made mana and health potions, they are really weak but I can do it.....awesome' i thought

I climb one of the towers to have a look around and see......nothing.

The past few days have been boring, im starting to understand why Salem does her thing, it's not as boring as sitting and waiting.

Hmm, maybe I can try to learn skills from other games, I never played many RPG games, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and I never finished Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I guess I can try to get Dragon shouts, in the game they said that I can learn shouts by focusing on the meaning of the word and projecting it into a shout

I climbed down from the tower and built a basement in the shape of the greybeards main sanctum and focused on the word fus


The energies that make the world function

So I feel something in my soul click and I open my eyes and.......FUS the room shook and I stumbled back a bit.

As I got up Nora and Ren ran down the steps panicked

"Vinny are you okay we just heard a loud noise and w-we thought something happened," Nora said

"Don't worry im fine, I was just trying something" I said

[Skill gained: the power of the voice

You can now use the thu'um as seen in the elder scrolls skyrim]

Things just got interesting

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