entry 22

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with transport no longer an issue I have peleus gather all the men with their weapons and gear, I have them all come over to the train.

"good afternoon everyone, this is like the train that brought some of you from Mistral, though this one is armored and has six turret cars, this train could withstand a direct hit from a missle and a goliath. we will be safe. this train will carry us to the current base of the bandits. it was a village the bandits attacked, we don't know what to expect so always be on guard and keep someone nearby, also these bandits have made slaves out of anyone they could we are to liberate this village, thus this train will be named Jiyū no ressha, or freedom train. ALRIGHT! LET'S TAKE THESE BANDITS OUT. REMEMBER! THESE PEOPLE ATTACKED OUR VILLAGE GIVE THEM NO MERCY" I yelled as the fighters cheer before entering the train

peleus walked up to me "hey what if we use the blimp thing that you came back on for Arial attacks"

"that is an awesome idea, ill go get it and add some artillery then we can leave, for now, leave me a group of 5 people for the crew. you will drive the train. once we get one mile from the village we will park the train and war blimp and we can plan the attack further. I responded

once I return with the blimp I land near the train, before stepping out. 

"vinny this will be your crew, they all appear to have air experience or have worked with aircraft." peleus said

I look at the five older men who stood before me"very good peleus, now gentlemen, what you see behind me is a blimp, I need a pilot to steer the ship and to raise it up and down, it's not hard, it's like driving a car, next three others will control the guns, same guns used at the attack, now the finale person will help me with the heavy artillery like the bomb-bay and the rockets" I say before pointing at the youngest looking man. "you how old are you, what's your name, and are you fairly strong"

"your majesty, I'm 38, my name is Mikail Tauras and I was planning to join the SCD before coming here so I had to be strong, I'm strong enough for whatever you need," Mikail said

"very good, you with me on Bombay, old man your pilot, and you three are on guns" I directed

"yes your majesty," they said

we entered the war blimp and I showed the old man, Mr. Karsip, how to work the controls and what each dial meant. he quickly got the hang of it and we lifted off and headed in the direction of the village, 

as we lifted off I begin making bombs, rockets, and large .50 cal tracer rounds. we are ready for war. I go down to the bomb bay and see Mikail looking at the weaponry and figuring some of it. as well as stacking some ammo and explosives.

he turned around and looked at me before  saluting "your majesty"

"don't worry about formality, we are going into battle with each other, treat me as your comrade for now, not your king" I explained

he nodded before looking at me again, "my son told me he met you the day you came to the homeless camps. we were getting ready to go work for the SDC but you told my boy that if we were to go with you we would be free from government oppression, and you were right, this place has made me felt freer than I have even felt in Menagerie. that is why I hold such respect for you, your building a world where my son can be free"

"I hope we all can find our freedoms, we are locked behind physical walls due to the Grimm, the faunas are locked behind metaphorical walls of oppression, its because people think if they aren't feeding into the hate they are good, but if they don't speak out or do anything their freedoms can be stripped away like they're nothing. teach your son to always stand up for the truth, justice, and peace. these are the key values to our nation" I finished

"thank you for all you have done and I hope things will turn out great in the future," Mikail said before we felt the blimp land " guess it's time to get a little rest and plan for tomorrow"

"you rest leave all the planning to me and I will tell you more tomorrow," I said

he nodded and walked over to a bed and laid down.


"ma'am there are two armored vehicles about a mile away in the plains past the forest, I think one was a train and the other was an airship of sorts, should we attack them before we get to the village, we could do a preemptive strike and destroy them," a bandit asked

"no, this is a trap, they set up that close so we would think they were there. once we attack they would flank us, find their other camp, and attack that, for now, get a few of the others to build as much defense as possible and use the prisoners to build defense then use them as meat shields if you have to" she commanded


"Alright gentlemen, we are about to engage in an all-out war with the bandits. The first thing we are going to do is send in the blimp to drop the bombs and begin blasting this is to cause confusion and panic, from there we will have the A-TT drive into the village and park so when the men exit it will be used for cover.  once we begin the ground combat, we will take and hold portions of the city, it shouldn't be very difficult to take down most of the bandits but the main issue is the head boss, they could very easily be huntsmen level so tread carefully, in fact, take the lower level guys serious as well they could always have some kind of tricks. after we push them to the main palace we will force them to surrender or we turn the entire palace to ash." I explained

"Sir, what about the Grimm, they will surely be headed here once we start attacking," peleus said

"The bombs are laced with high-strength purity dust, so when the bombs go off it will spread the purity effect everywhere making it harmful to Grimm, it also weakens them. so we will be ok" I explained. "alright everyone, go get some rest the attack will commence just before the sun rises

with that, we slept.

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