entry 41

567 17 5

The next morning, when we all got up, and rukiamo began showing us around, this area has a lot of resources, the mountains are filled with ore, this is a wonderful place and I would love to just move everything over here. To be frank it would not be that hard to do it.

Raise the city from the ground, and put gravity boosters, and then we get a floating City, and we can move ourselves to this continent, but that is something that I should probably ask the elder council.

Some spots show small traces that humans or Faunus have been here before, many caves with drawings, small stone structures, small things.

"Are there any people on this continent," I asked

"No, but further south there is a patch of tropical Islands that house a small tribe of people," rukiamo said

"Ok, if this entire continent has no people, I will make some people who will populate it, in going to make several tribes of people, starting with the dragons," I give everyone the ability to use the Transform ability, so they could become DragonKin.

Next, over a week, I travel throughout the continent making various types of humanoids and Intelligent life, and building environments for them.

Overall, I created orcs, faeries, goblins, and hobgoblins, elves, humans, beastfolk, and finally, my creation called the lightborn.

For each race, I created 12 couples, just so we don't get a "sweet home Alabama" situation.

At the end of the week, I made a portal to Jiyū village, I walked through after the others. Once we made it to the other side, I went to find peleus.

Eventually, I found him and explained everything that happened.

"Heavens, just to think that something like that was just living down there, also you have grown exponential. By now it's almost fair to say that you have ascended to godhood, it's still strange to say that" Peleus said

"I know, but it's all part of my plan, and if this works then we will be much safer shortly, and we will be able to expand and further, right now we have at least 5000 people, in six villages and three military bases," I said

"If we have so few people, then why try to expand so much, it stretches our resources thin," Peleus said

"Im glad you asked, see right now people are trapped in the cities, if they leave they risk death. But if we cover enough land with [holy ground] and [holy water] we can eventually cover the entire planet, if im going, to be honest, this is not out of conquest. This is about the survival of all people" I explained

"Alright, just make sure that whatever you do, don't let the Nation die," peleus said before walking off

I sat for a minute, I think it's time for a nap. I lay over and soon sleep takes me

I look around, everything is dark,

"I wish I could see," I said to myself

As I said that a great light appeared in front of me.

[Hello Gamer! This is YOUR domain, it is a place outside time and space. This is your universe, only you can alter the properties, here you have omnipotence,  omnipresent, and omniscient. Do with it as you may. You can come here any time by simply moving your mind to this realm.]

Sweet! Now I can finally make an afterlife for my believers to live in Bliss. I would also like to make this domain to be the source of Remnants mana.

Suddenly blue and purple waves of energy shoot out throughout the universe, filling every corner.

When I awoke, I looked around my office. I walk over to a mirror and look at my reflection.

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