Entry 40!!!

592 20 11

Dragons, not Grimm dragons either, these are the kind that destroyed Helgan in Skyrim, I think I need a grown-up.

The others looked over to me, I motioned over to the airship, they took off running, I then followed after, but a dragon landed in front of me.

"Stop! Jo'or I mean you no harm, I am Jundovahrah, I am the King of Dragons what do you think you are doing on our lands" The Dragon said

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I am the Divine Emperor of Haskaria, I have come here with an entourage to explore and settle on these lands, we are afflicted by monsters of darkness and hope to escape them, or find a way to completely purge them" I explained

"You call yourself a Rah? (Divine being),   we shall see if you truly are. We know of the dark ones minions, they don't attack us too much, but they have in the past" jundovahrah answered

"What do you mean" we shall see"

"If you can do something to me before I can attack you, then I will consider you worthy of continuing conversation," the dragon said

"Ughh, fine yah pompous prick," I said knowing I have to fight a living, not Grimmified, Dragon

[Quest alert: Do you like dragons?]
Subdue the king Dragon
Make yourself look godlike
Rewards(100,000exp, title{dragonDom}, mana +100,00, the dragons will allow you to stay to prove your godhood)

[BGM active. Song 1: crowder: crushing snakes]

We're not afraid
Terrors of night, arrows that fly by day
Ten thousand may fall
But we, we will remain

I walk up to the Dragon, I force some steam out of my mouth and create a sword in my hand at the same time, I did this to try and Intimidate the Dragon by making it seem like my breath became the sword that is going to impale them.

We're not afraid
A promise of God can never be torn away
Walking on hands of angels, crushing snakes
Safe under the shadow of his wings
Our fortress and our strength
Our fortress

I drag my finger down the blade and it begins to crackle with pure white lightning, finally, I coat myself In armor made from vibrainium, I lift myself into the air.

We're taking back our freedom
Our battle has been won
We have been liberated
Back from the dead, we've come
We're taking back our freedom
Our battle has been won
We have been liberated
Back from the dead, we've come

I use the air to push me forward, using my sword to throw arcs of electricity at the Dragon, dodging to the left, the dragon finally lifts off the ground with tremendous force, the air coming from its wings, throws me back.

Do you see him? King of Heaven
Champion of all creation
Eyes of fire, the voice of thunder
Tearing through the sky in wonder
Dressed in light, we see him coming
On a horse that's white like lightning
Do you see him?

The Dragon prepares a massive blast of fire, sensing the impending doom, I put a large water barrier in front of me, stopping the flames.  I force a stream of air down the middle of the flames before pushing outward and spreading the flames apart.

Do you see him? King of Heaven
Champion of all creation
Eyes of fire, voice of thunder
Tearing through the sky in wonder
Dressed in light, we see him coming
On a horse that's white like lightning
Do you see him?
Do you see him?

I charge the Dragon and swing my sword down striking the dragon, it screeches in pain, using its tail it sends spikes hurdling towards me, using gravity magic, I forced the spikes into the ground.

We're taking back our freedom
Our battle has been won
We have been liberated
Back from the dead, we've come
We're taking back our freedom
Our battle has been won
We have been liberated
Back from the dead, we've come

I summon 16 large spikes in the air and give them more weight, I hurdle them at the dragon, some impaling his wings others hitting his body, he falls to the ground Injured.

Back from the dead, we've come
Back from the dead, we've come

[BGM deactivated. Song 1: crowder: crushing snakes]

I walk up to the dragon, and I began to heal the body.

"Have I proven myself capable," I asked

"Yes, you are a strong jo'or, this is a changing world when the jo'or become as powerful as the Dovah. In Dragon tradition, the defeated become subservient to the victors, and so I am now at your command, and with it all of the Dragons under me" the dragon said

"What!?!?? just like that?!?" I said in shock

"Yes, my lord. Your will is my command" he said

"I am going to give you a form to transform into at any moment, this may sting a little," I said before placing my hand on his chest and making runes on his very soul

The runes were as follows: mana vacuum>mana well> spell: biology> instructions:
(When the phrase "transform" is said or thought by the host, the host is transformed into a humanoid version of itself)> spell output

I did the same thing but so he can change back into his Dragon form, I wish coding would have been this easy back on earth

"Alright to test, say the phrase 'transform'" I asked

"Transform," the Dragon said, as he finished the phrase he instantly turned into a 6'8", very muscular, man-dragon.

I saw more than I wanted to given the fact he became a naked humanoid. I will say, there is a reason Dragons are so proud.

I quickly made him some clothes and a weapon, I walked over to him and placed the sword on either side of his shoulder and now he was a Knight paladin.

The sword was a platinum Scimitar with a brass cross-section, I handed him the weapon.

"King Dragon, I give you a new name of rukiamo," I said

"Now, do you see my power, verily, I speak unto all the dragons, I am a divine being, and as such, I hold the power of all elements," I said, using gravity to make things more intimidating."So! Let's get back to work, perhaps you guys can show us around the continent and even give us some history of the continent"

"Yes! At once my lord" the Dragon king Knight said before saluting.

I walk over to my camp and began to rest, rukiamo was talking to the other Dragons in his Dragon form.

Soon I drifted off to sleep, cinder laying next to me

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