Memories pt.3

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Part 3 to 'the Talent show' I'm thinking these two imagines will become a mini series for a bit, this will leave off right after hope wishes to see y/n's past.

Basically, let's see what happens when y/n's tvd family See's her memories with her other family... The McCall pack.

This may be a bit long so just warning you now

Obviously some slight changes from the original plots to teen wolf as well as the tvdu

(Edit: I decided to add some people I didn't before so if you see more people here than the first time around, this is why.)

Previously on the Talent show

" I wish I could know what you went through there, I wish I could help you, I wish we could try to be better" hope whispered to herself.

Little did she know, her wish might just come true, but she might also drag some people Along the way unknowingly...

The Narrator

After hope had cried herself to sleep the night before, she had spent the few hours she was still up after her talk with y/n, thinking about everything, about them, how they met.
How she fell in love with the Alpha.

All the way up until landon came back into the picture, and then things went down from there.

Landon was just a human in a supernatural school which made hope want to protect the boy she once tried to dance with.

Then they find out that he was actually a phoenix which is super rare.
Basically he's immortal but everytime he gets reborn he busts out from a fiery cocoon, instead of just waking up like a normal hybrid or vampire would.

But that made hope want to help him figure out more about his supernatural side.

When he first came to the school with his brother raf, y/n and hope were in a happy and loving relationship for 6 months, hope just wanted to help a kid she once knew and maybe make a friend, she could at least get alaric off her back for a bit.

That's what she had thought, and that's what she had everyone thinking while In reality she realized she was slowly but surely also falling for Landon.

And something that hope will always beat herself up over, was that while she was slowly realizing her feelings for Landon and not telling a soul.

Landon and Y/n were becoming the best of friends.

They were both into music, while landon just thought they had playing the guitar in common y/n knew that they also shared a love for singing and writing. She just wasn't ready for people to know that yet.

Not when the last time will forever play as a sad memory in her head.

They also loved a good portion of the same movies and they both had good humors.

And as if to give hope just one more kick in the ass she remembered the thing that messed up everything....

Raf could tell landon liked hope, a lot. But he also knew his brother wouldn't do anything that could and would hurt one of his friends, Raf knew landon wouldn't do anything to hurt his friendship with either hope or y/n.

Everyone knew that about landon. Y/n just didn't know how much he was silently falling for her girlfriend.

If you're wondering what the thing that messed it all up was well here goes nothing.

From what I can see from hope's memory.

Hope was volunteered (by Lizzie) to be the one who made over 2 dozen cupcakes for the bakesale they were having that weekend.

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