Meeting The Gallagher's

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Hope- The super squad comes to Chicago for spring break. This is an Au where no one has powers and the Salvatore school is a normal boarding school.

Since this is a crossover between Shameless and Legacies I'm gonna put a ⚠️TW⚠️ for talk of alcohol and language as well as violence and talk of plot points from shameless.

Also some plot point from shameless will be changed for this Au and some will stay the same, idk they might merge at some point so🤷

Your pov

God, I can't believe Im letting them come with me back home.

I'm a Gallagher I don't cave easily. Damn you hope for making me a soft wimp since leaving the Southside.

For some background info, Hope came to me last week before spring break and somehow convinced me to let
Her, the twins, MG, Kaleb, Raf, and Landon
to come with me to visit my family for the holidays.

This should be fun, since they don't exactly know I'm from the Southside...yea i know I know, they know I'm from Chicago but I just never specified where.

"Alright-" I clapped gaining the groups attention

"We have 11 hours till we get into chi so buckle up people...I'm taking you home"
I trailed off at the end as everyone was talking in excitement.

We all loaded up in the car as I started the journey to my house.

I sighed as I drove out of the schools property.

"You ok over there?" I heard hope ask me quietly from the passenger seat so she wouldn't interrupt the others or draw attention to us.

"Yea, I just...haven't seen some people from there in a long time" I said flashing back to all the times Fiona and I have had to drag a drunk frank off the porch

Or the fights Lip, Ian, and I would get into with the Milkovich's.

"Oh come on. How bad can it be?" She gave me a smile in reassurance...if only it worked that easily.

" can get bad." I whispered to myself and thankfully she didn't hear

"Can I get the aux Y/n?" I heard MG ask from in the back

"Hey why should you get the aux? I have the better music taste" Kaleb cut in from beside the other boy

"That is not true and you know it!"

"Says the dude who played Castaways at the mill party two weeks ago!"

"That was a prank I pulled with Penelope! And it was your idea!"

"Now hold on!-" they continue to bicker while I try and tune them out.

'F*ck this is gonna be a long drive'

No one's pov

After a long long drive the group finally made it into the city of Chicago.

Y/n was still driving after letting Lizzie and Kaleb drive for a few hours so she could rest.

They were all silent as music played in the background, all of them- minus Y/n and Kaleb
Were taking in the beauty of Chicago since no one besides the two previously mentioned have been to the city in there little friend group.

"Yo! Y/n you missed the turn for downtown?" Kaleb asked from his seat in the back besides a sleeping Landon and raf.

"We're not going downtown." You said before switching lanes that headed for the L on the Southside.

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