Meeting Frank and an Unwanted Guest

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Hope- Part two of meeting the Gallagher's,
Frank shows up drunk and needing money from a bar bet, and someone from Fiona's past shows up for more redemption.

Same TW's from the previous chapter.

No one's pov

It was a quiet morning in the Gallagher house as everyone was sleeping
With MG and Kaleb staying in the boys room, Raf and Landon on an air mattress downstairs and the twins in Debbie's room.

Thankfully frank had a shitty couch in the corner of his room cuz that's where you slept.

You would've bunked in the bed with hope but after much thought you didn't want to sleep on anything frank has done things in.

Even with the sheets and blankets changed it wasn't gonna happen.
It's not like the couch was the safest bet either but it was better than his bed.

You even advised hope to sleep on the couch while you took the floor so she wouldn't have to sleep on franks bed but she was too tired from the drive and helping the others late into the night to care.

It was about 7am when a loud bang was heard from the front door downstairs.

You shot up from the couch seeing hope do the same from the bed before groggily walking to the door and opening it.

More stumbling noises was heard from the bottom of the stairs as things sounded like they were knocked over.

"Uh...guys?" You heard Landon's sleepy but freaked out voice from the living room making you sigh and step out of the room with hope in tow.

You see your siblings slowly walking out with the others tentatively walk behind them.

"We'll take the back stairs, you go up front?" Ian said motioning to him and lip before motioning to you and Fiona

You and Fiona nod as you all separated.

Since the Salvatore group was curious about the noise and concerned for the fact that two of their friends were down there they also split up with half following
Lip and Ian and the other half going with you and Fiona.

Lip and Ian had gotten downstairs with the others before you and Fiona and saw
A freaked out Landon and raf as a drunk frank was searching threw things looking for whatever it was he needed now.

"Y/n! Grab the Bat, it's Frank!" You heard lip yell as you and the others had reached the bottom of the front stairs where thankfully
The bat was hanging.

"Gladly" you grabbed the bat and walked to where frank stood looking at everyone with glazed eyes.

"Hey now, that's not necessary" frank slurred seeing you point the bat at him

"Y/n? Shit when'd you get back to this shithole?" Frank asked surprised to see you after the last time you were face to face.

"That's none of your business f*cker." Your friends weren't used to the cold and threatening look you sent to frank or the heartlessness in your tone of voice addressing the man, it was safe to say that it threw them for a loop.

"What I want to know, is why the f*ck you're looking through our shit at 7 in the god d*mn morning?" You were slowly losing your patience along with your siblings.

It was to f*cking early to have to deal with Frank f*cking Gallagher

"I-i just need some cash to pay off a bet I made with this giant last night at the Alibi
Or he's gonna beat the shit outta me" frank stumbled through his sentence looking absolutely pathetic like usual.

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