Play with Fire

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The super squad doesn't trust you, neither does Alaric and Caroline.
They don't know your past and they haven't seen you wolf out, they all think it's because you're a weak wolf.
Let's see what happens when you tell them to see what you're capable of.

(In some gifs, you're scott in others you're stiles)

No one's pov

The super squad plus Alaric and Caroline were all in alaric's office discussing school matters, monsters, ect.

Alaric was talking about students that they had to keep their eyes out for.

"I think we need to keep a look out for Alyssa, she seems to have it out for Josie so I wouldn't put it past her to pull something" Lizzie stated making her parents nod in agreement along with her friends.

"I personally, think that we should look out for Y/n. I mean we know nothing about her, we know that she's a wolf but I've never seen her shift and ive only seen her talk to Jade and wade since she's gotten here. Well minus us" Hope suggested making alaric agree immediately

"I agree, MG and Josie. I want you two to try and befriend her, try and get to her to open up so we can find out more about her past" Alaric said making the two hesitate but ultimately agree.

        [Time skip to later that day]

Mg and Josie had spotted y/n reading a book about Greek Mythology in the library and the two figured it was time to start with the plan.

The two approached the unsuspecting wolf before Josie tapped the girl on her shoulder.

Y/n looked up from the book to see the two with friendly smiles on their faces.

"Can I help you?" Y/n asked confused considering the only time the two had spoken to her was when Josie and her sister gave y/n a tour of the school, and Mg when she asked for directions to the gym.

Other than that their friend group would glance at her every now and than giving her side glares and unsure stares.

"Well We know that our friends haven't been the.... friendliest, since you've gotten here but we were hoping that you would give us a chance at
Getting to know one another." Mg said with a soft smile feeling a little guilty going along with Dr. Saltzman's plan.

"Umm" y/n hesitated

"If you don't want to that's totally fine, we'll understand" Josie said to reassure the girl feeling just as guilty as mg

"No it's cool, um have a seat I guess" Y/n said pointing to the chairs across from her.

The three soon fell into a surprisingly easy conversation.

Mg and Y/n fought over who the best villian was in the Flash.

Josie and Y/n bonded over music and they actually had a lot of favorite artists in common.

The three made fast friends but two felt guilty for doing this to basically spy on the girl when they actually began to like her.

        [Time skip to a month later]

It's been a month since Josie, Y/n, and Mg became friends.

They all got along really well and bonded a lot over the small span that they've all hung out.

Y/n still kept a lot to herself but she had shared some details like how she was also a twin and had a brother named scott.

She told them how she was from california and had a lot happen before she left. But other than that she hadn't mentioned anything else.

Hope Mikealson imagines/gifsWhere stories live. Discover now