Infinity pt.3

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Part three to all I want
Again these are little fillers until I can't wright some more parts to the 'memories' series.
All you take place of scott in all the gifs
Since you're his twin

Narrator's pov

We once again start were we last left off.

Y/n was sitting on the floor with her head I'm her hands rocking back and forth still muttering softly to herself
"Please, no more. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry"

"Allison... Ally I'm sorry"

It made everyone watching hearts break, this was Y/n the strongest person they all knew.

It was a heartbreaking sight for everyone especially the super squad to see how broken she really was.

The necromancer had let the super squad unfreeze, making them all rush towards their friend.

Hope and the twins were the first to reach her.

The twins wrapped their best friend in a comforting hug causing the girl to break down even more.

Hope crouched down to look y/n in the eyes "hey" she cupped the wolf's face making the McCall girl look her in the eyes.

"We got you, you're ok" hope said in a soft caring voice before going the twins in the group hug surrounding their friend.

The guys stood off to the side watching, not knowing how to help making them feel even worst.

The necromancer chuckled at the sight.

"Pathetic. You're supposed to be an almighty alpha and I can break you so easily"

Hope, Jed, Kaleb, MG, and the twins all turned to the necromancer and flash their wolf/Vampire eyes while the twins siphoned from hope ready to lit the bitch on fire.

"Hahahahah, you really think you can stop me. Thanks to the dark magic that you've all bestowed upon me you couldn't stop me if you really really tried" he smirked and froze them once again when the wolves and vamps tried to rush toward him.

He walked back towards y/n with a sinister smirk and a dark crazed look in his eyes.

He used his magic to turn the others back towards them do they had no choice but to just sit and watch, much to their dismay (even Landon's shockingly)

Y/n looked at him before saying in a slightly stronger voice now
"Please stop, I can't."

He once again laughed like she was an idiot before replying
"Where's the fun in that" he grabbed her head once again painfully bringing the memories to them.

Y/n once again screamed so loud and painfully as both of their eyes once again shined black.

The necromancer knew that each time he brought out the alpha's memories it weakened the wolf like it would with wolfsbane, so he gave her a bit of energy so she could really relive some of the memories that would push her over the edge that way he could complete his plan for the alpha.

[Italics- what everyone is seeing/everything that's happening in the memories]

Y/n stood up feeling a little stronger before stumbling a bit since she still wasn't one hundred percent better.

She looked around and saw that she was once again in the hallways of beacon hills high.

'i missed this place but why do I keep coming back here jeez" the alpha thought to herself

She heard a noise behind her making her turn and crumble as she once again saw a memory of Allison but this time it was different.

Baby this love, I'll never let it die
Can't be touched by no one, I'd like to see him try
I'm a mad man for your touch

Hope Mikealson imagines/gifsWhere stories live. Discover now