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A spell had wrong and made you relive you're most painful and happiest memories.

(You're scott in all the gifs)

(Also read a/n at the end for news on the memories mini series)

No one's pov

Hope, Josie, Lizzie, and the rest of the witches were all gathered around in the gym practicing a new spell.

"So what's this spell supposed to do?" Alyssa asked the Mikealson girl

"And why are they here?" Another witch had asked pointing at the other super squad members that stood in the corner

"Well the spell is supposed to show ones memories, painful, happy, angry, ect. If we can master this than maybe we can use this in the next malivore monster for answers" hope stated crossing her arms.

"And the reason that they're here is so we can use them for the spell. But since they are our friends and fellow students we're gonna pull out some of their happiest memories so we don't hurt them." Lizzie had continued, answering the other question.

"Now let's get ready" Josie said informing the witch on what to do next.

They all formed a circle before hope turned her head to the rest of their friend group sitting in the corner

"Who's up first?" Hope asked seeing as most of them looked hesitant

After a minute of no one speaking y/n stood up and walked towards the group of witches shrugging saying "eh why not"

She got in the center of the circle before all the witches joined hands.

"And this is completely safe right?" The wolf had asked her three friends looking for reassurance

The three nodded "all we'll be doing is showing you and us your happiest memories" hope told the girl in a soft caring tone.

"Ok" she sighed out of relief

"Are you ok y/n?" Josie asked concerned as she noticed her friends hand shake slightly at her side.

"You don't have to do this you know. I'm sure MG or jed would be fine going first" Lizzie said to her friend giving her an out of she needed it.

Y/n should her head and said " I'm fine, we can do this. There's just some memories that I don't really want to relive again" her mind flashed back to her time in beacon hills with her brother and pack.

"Well do our best to make sure nothing happens ok" hope said softly once again making the girl nod before the witches started chanting out the spell.

After a minute of chanting the spell was completed and everyone looked around as nothing happened.

"Well that was anticlimactic" y/n said with a shrug as she looked towards Hope, Josie, and Lizzie once more

"How could the spell not have worked" Josie asked confused

"Didn't you get that spell from your aunt freya? Are you sure it a memory spell?" Lizzie asked the shorter girl just to be sure

"Yes, it's for memories and aunt freya said that it's a powerful spell that only a group of witches can cast, it should've worked" hope said sure of herself

Y/n's head started to feel like it was pounding so violently that it felt like an earthquake was takjng place in her skull.

She groaned as she grabbed her head before falling to her knees.

The girls and everyone else snapped their heads towards the loud thud noise to see y/n on the floor grabbing her head.

The twins rushed to her sides as hope crouched down infront of the alpha.

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