Gallagher arguments and Fights

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Hope - part three of the spring break Gallagher AU series.

It's the Third day staying with the Gallagher's and things start to get really interesting....which is saying something.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, this one was kinda based on the argument Lip and Ian had over Mandy. If you want to see the scene this is loosely based on then check out this video ⬇️

Same TW's as the previous two parts.

No one's pov

You and the Salvatore group were walking back to the Gallagher home after showing them the Alibi and introducing them to another little part of your life.

Aka the free drinks and chaos that happens in that bar with just one conversation.

Once you guys reached the front of your house, about to walk into the gate when you all saw someone storm out of the front door.

After a second you realized that it was Mandy, Ian and yours best friend and she looked like she had been crying and was pissed.

You gently grabbed her arm to stop her from completely walking away when she passed you.

The others were watching in a mix of concern for the girl and confusion on who she was.

"Mandy, what happened? Why do you look so upset" You asked your best friend in a soft gentle voice that only the Salvatore group and Gallagher's heard when they all were having an off and upsetting day.

Mandy just pulled her arm from your grasp and aggressively wipe away some tears that were threatening to fall.

"Why don't you ask that a**hole of a twin you have" she said in a strong but slightly shaky voice as she turned to walk away

But she stopped and turned back to look at you with a small soft smile only reserved for Ian and yourself

"Im glad you're back home Y/n, come hang out with me sometime when you're not hanging around that dick" she said referencing to lip before trying away once more and walking home.

You were absolutely pissed off, You and Ian have seen mandy vulnerable a bunch of time because of her own shitty family, but you drew the line when you knew it was another person close to you that caused it.

Mandy was there for both Ian and you when you came out and didn't know how to tell anyone in the family besides lip.

She was there when Ian had his thing with Kash and she was there when you needed bail money after getting caught with an ounce of weed on you.

Mandy was like another sister to you just as much as she was to Ian or even Debbie.

And knowing that your twin did something to make Mandy cry and storm out made you see red.

The Salvatore group has never really seen you angry or violent until this little trip home, they always viewed you as the happy, Loving, fun, Carefree kid in the friend group and seeing this look of anger in your eyes made them uneasy.

Altho Lizzie was concerned for you, she was also waiting to see what would unfold from this since she's always seen you as a goody two shoes.

Josie was just plain old concern for you and Mandy after seeing the interaction the both of you just had, it was clear that they both cared for one another and they've all seen how overprotective you are when it comes to the people you care about.

Hope Mikealson imagines/gifsWhere stories live. Discover now