Memories pt.5

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A/n: I know, I know it's been a minute but here's part five, the Salvatore group plus Allison will be shown different memories In time the narrator wants them to see.

Word count: 6049

Previously on memories:

"That that's all done I'm gonna show you some of the more important things, just without so much detail. But don't worry your supernatural heads off you'll still get these memories but I want to fast forward a little" The narrator told them all with a smirk making them all prepare for what they might see next.

Including Allison since for all she knew, the next thing she might have to see again could be the Nogitsunes.


The Narrator clapped his hands, drawing the groups attention to him.

"Alright, now I know you all probably want to continue on with the storyline and we will in due time...But for now I have something's I want you all to react to now cuz, Well I'm impatient" He finished with a shrug and another amused smirk

"But-" Landon tried to start but was soon cut off by the narrator who waved his hands in dismissal before starting his own sentence.

"No but, Just sit and watch" He finished with an inpatient annoyed look.

Before anyone could say anything
He once again started talking.

"Now the memory I'm gonna show you to start this off, is a little duet Lydia and Y/n wrote and preformed for the music class the two shared a few months after you and Aiden..." The narrator trailed off as Allison soon nodded in a weak attempt to
Fight off any sadness she was feeling.

"A little background for this.
A few months after a...tragic accident occurred the two were paired for a musical assignment that was to be graded on creativity and emotions.

I'm gonna show you when they first preformed the song, with the support from their friends close by" He snapped and the screen soon lit up as the memory was projected and soon heard.

(Italics- memories, normal- talk before or after memories bold italics- the tvdu group commentary)

The music teacher- Mrs.Parker- was shown in front of the class in what looked like the band room.

The pack could be seen in the back standing next to a nervous looking Lydia and Y/n

"Today, you all will be preforming the songs I've assigned for you to write. Now we'll start with-" Mrs.Parker named off a pair who soon stood in front of the class and preformed.

Tht continued for awhile as the duo sat next to their friends and anxiously awaited their turn.

"Hey you guys got this" Stiles said to you as he patted your shoulder reassuringly

Scott joined in stating that the both of you would do perfect as they spent weeks preparing this..

Soon the two heard their names called as they walked down to the front with one last assuring smiles coming from their fellow pack members.

You walked over to your acoustic guitar that you stored in the room during school hours, as Lydia gathered the mics up front.

You walked over to your acoustic guitar that you stored in the room during school hours, as Lydia gathered the mics up front

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