"Of course it had to be you"

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Criminal minds/ Teen wolf crossover.

A/n: I know this isn't a hope imagine or related to the memories series or my rumors book but until the next chapter is complete here's an old draft that's just been sitting there, I hope you guys enjoy and hopefully I can update my other chapters soon.

Soooo, I've been rewatching criminal minds and couldn't help but think what would happen if a trusted and respected member of the BAU team suddenly went missing.....

And how the team would react to finding out their youngest members past in the small California city, Beacon Hills.

⚠️TW: talk of abduction and torture if you're not comfortable with that than please leave now.⚠️

No one's pov

It was very late into the night in Virginia. Around 3:30 am.

When Agent Y/n Mccall of the fbi left the bau bullpen after hours of paperwork and working on something that left a bad feeling in her stomach.

Now the rest of the bau team had left many hours ago. Even Agent Aaron Hotchner
Or as his team likes to refer to him- "Hotch", had left as well and the man was known to be the first one in and the last one to leave, especially after a bad case.

Something was terribly off about tonight, and Y/n was no stranger to the feeling of fear.

She'd have enough experiences back at home that would make a grown man cry had they lived it themselves. But it also taught her how to hide that fear and to always be prepared for any outcome. It was those instincts that told her to always be hyper aware of her surroundings.

Her brother and her always were hyper aware when it came to danger. Especially when it came to someone they cares about. Those siblings were probably the most protective people you'd ever meet in your life.

Those skills and instincts are what made her such a valuable asset to the bau. But her people skills and calmness in such chaotic situations are what won the team of profilers over.

As the Young Mccall woman walked to the back of the building to her designated parking spot, she could tell something was out of place.

She didn't need to be a profiler to know that, she didn't even need her abilities to know either.

So the Mccall did what she did best, she observed the area and slowly made her way to her car.

Her hand was rested against the handle of her Police issue Glock, in case of a potential threat.

After she determined that nobody was near she looked at her car to see if there was any signs of foul play.

The only thing wrong was a note resting on top on her windshield between the wipers.

The Mccall woman let out a stressed sigh as she ran her hands through her short hair and slowly reached for the piece of paper..

The words on the paper made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"What's so special about Y/n Mccall...or is it Agent now? I can honestly say that I've missed you and your brother. Maybe a reunion is in order, don't you think?"

Y/n immediately dropped the note and went to fish her phone out of her pocket.

Once she had the device powered on and unlocked, she quickly when to her contacts.

And as she pressed the call button, a small pinch was felt on her neck. And the 26 year old new the familiar burning pain spreading..

"Wolfs...bane..." Y/n muttered before passing out on the ground from the slow agony taking over her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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