Memories Pt.8

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A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! If you guys have any song suggestions that fit either Hope and Y/n or Allison and Y/n then let me know!
Who do you think will be endgame👀

Word count: 2187

Previously on Memories:

Hope was silently thinking about how this could all change the second they see what happened in her relationship with the alpha.

They had their amazing moments but all it took was one to ruin everything.

Landon was feeling like a complete asshole as he saw how much pain his now ex friend went through and his guilt ate him up when he realized how much more pain he probably brought to her.

' I destroyed  one of the best friendships I've made since Raf...and for what? A relationship that would be built on betrayal and pain?"

Ambrose, wanting to take the attention away from Allison clapped his hand gaining everyone's attention.

"I'm gonna give Alli here time to calm down and get everything out before we continue with hope and Y/n"


No one's pov

Allison had calmed down fairly quickly after Rebekah decided to distract the girl with stories from the originals past.

Hope was silent in her seat as her nerves were going on overdrive, she didn't know what would be shown of the relationship she shared with the alpha and she's terrified of seeing the pain she inflicted to the girl she loves.

Hayley and Klaus saw their daughter grow more and more nervous and was wondering what could of happened to send their little wolf into such a spiral.

"What did that..thing do to my daughter" Klaus said towards Hayley with a threatening tone, he hated seeing his daughter in pain and would destroy anyone who caused it.

Hayley on the other hand was observing hope and saw how it was not only her nerves the alpha wolf was picking up but also...Guilt?.

"I don't think Y/n did anything..." Hayley trailed off as she saw Landon tense as well, his demeanor radiating guilt and a bit of jealousy.

"I don't think she did anything at all" the wolf finished her sentence.

Klaus went to rebuttal the statement and defend his only child but was soon cut off by Ambrose, the narrator himself.

"I'll now be showing you the relationship that hope and Y/n shared. This will be presented a little bit differently than the others" Ambrose stated as he sat by MG once more.

He snapped and the screen came to life once more, making the tribrid and ex bird boy even more anxious.

(Italics- memories, normal- talk before or after memories bold italics- the tvdu group commentary)

(Song: Deja Vu - Olivia Rodrigo)

[Verse 1]
Car rides to Malibu
Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two

Hope and Y/n sharing a peanut butter blast..

Damon and Elena smiled as they watched their daughter have a lovingly moment that was more recent.

Hope Mikealson imagines/gifsWhere stories live. Discover now