All I want

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Narrator's pov

There hasn't been a monster at the Salvatore school for almost a month now and the students and faculty were starting to get worried.

The necromancer now had the dark magic Josie once possessed and who knows what that guy had planned.

The super squad had been enjoying the time they've had without all the monster hunting, they had to admit.

But everyone in the group could see that something had been bothering their friend y/n for the past week.

At first they thought it was because the necromancer had yet to do something but the more that they've been paying attention to their friend, the more they can see that it's something else.

Like the other day when Hope and the twins heard a bit of Y/n's phone call with someone named 'Stiles'.

"What the hell is a stiles?" Lizzie asked genuinely confused

Hope and Josie just shrugged having not heard the name before

Or when MG, Jed, and Kaleb saw her looking at some old photos with her and some girl.

They wanted to help but they didn't know how if they didn't know what was causing the problem.

Well little do they know that the necromancer had something up his sleeve.

                       ~Time skip~

It was a warm Saturday evening and the super squad were all hanging out in the living room area of the old Salvatore house.

When y/n walks in looking a little frantic.

"Y/n? What's wrong!" Josie asked concerned walking towards her friend

"T-the necromancer..h-he was just chasing me" she told the group trying to catch her breath from all the running

"Why was he chasing you, what could he want!?" Landon almost yelled from worry at the situation, he really didn't care for y/n all the much since she liked hope too, although he wouldn't say that ou loud.

"IF I KNEW THAT I WOULD'VE ALREADY COME UP WITH A PLAN, SO SHUT UP AND LET THE EXPERT TALK BIRD BOY!" y/n snapped from stress but didn't regret it one bit.

The group jumped back not expecting that from the girl.

Before anything else was said the necromancer made a dramatic entrance like always (this guy🙄)

"Well as much as I like to see wolfy yell at the bird, I much rather have you relive some old pain" he said towards the werewolf with a devilish smirk

"Wait what" she said worried

"Yes, I got rather bored while waiting on for things in my master plan to align so I decided to put someone in this group through some of there most painful memories, and I didn't want to go for the tribrid just yet so who else better than the true alpha that's hidden from this school" The necromancer said as if it was a grand reveal

Even tho it kind of was considering the group didn't really know of your past in beacon hills, or your pain that you've faced with your family

Hope Mikealson imagines/gifsWhere stories live. Discover now