Memories pt.9

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Please read the A/n at the end!

This part is shorter than the others but I hope you all enjoy it none the less, a longer chapter can be expected for the next update!

Word count: 4546

Previously on Memories:

"Ok I'm gonna separate y'all into some groups before you guys rip hope and Landon apart. I'll bring them back once you've all settled down and then we can watch the next memory!" Ambrose snapped his fingers making him and Handon disappear from the theater.

"....Is it bad that I'm not disappointed in her at all?"

"Shut up Kol!"

No one's pov

Ambrose and Handon appeared in a separate booth in the theater.

The three had a perfect view of the screen and the rest of the group a head of them.

Hope was trying to clear the tears from her eyes as she was still processing how she made Y/n feel.

Landon was confused, guilty, and admittedly jealous. He was confused in how the hell they got to this booth, guilty for how he betrayed his friend, and jealous as he saw a look in hope's eyes when she looked at y/n that he knew she would never give him. Undeniable infatuation.

Ambrose sighed on disappointment at the teens infront of him before explaining why he brought them in there in the first place.

"Now I bought you both into this privacy booth so that you can still watch the memories and hear everyone's commentary on it. But it's also so the others can calm down from what they just saw. I'm so glad I didn't give Allison her bow" the narrator explained making the two nod in understanding before becoming confused at his statement about Allison.

"What do you mean you're glad you didn't give Allison her bow?" Landon asked dumbly wanting to know what Ambrose meant in his hushed part of the sentence

"What I mean is that Allison actually comes from a very infamous family of hunters and she's livid at both of you right now. She knows she can't really do anything to hope since she's a tribrid but I'd honestly pay to see what she'd do to Landon since he's a resurrecting Phoenix that can't die." Ambrose said casually even tho this information definitely scared Landon.

The boy quickly became grateful to the narrator since this was the safest place for him away from Allison.

Hope was more confused at this information tho as she should know Allison's family if they're as infamous as Ambrose says.

"If her family is so infamous in our world then how come my family has never said anything to me about them?" Hope questioned

"Because after Allison became a hunter and some.... things happened, she made a new code for the hunters in her family.
Instead of their code being 'we hunt those that hunt us' she came up with the code 'we protect those who can't protect themselves' in honor of her friends showing her and her family that not all supernaturals are vicious monsters. After people in the supernatural world caught wind of that, many creatures backed off from the argents in beacon hills and saw them as allies and not enemies from then on. All though there are still few members in her family that run things by the old code."
Ambrose's finished letting the two process that information.

After talking with the two for some more time Ambrose snapped and appeared back in the main theater with the rest of the group.

He could see Delena, Allison, and the Mikaelsons (and that includes Hayley) plus the twins were still livid about hope and landons actions.

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