Memories pt.7

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A/n: They see Y/n's memories of the only two relationships she's been in. Her and Allison....and her and Hope.

You take Scott's place in any video shown.

Word count: 2068

Previously on Memories:

Elena smiled at her husband comforting the young girl in her arms as she held Allison with so much care.

Hope realized that even tho she will always love Y/n and she might of been her epic love. She now realized that She wasnt Y/n's. That was Allison and even tho Y/n loved her more than she's ever experienced with anyone other than her family, it would never compare to the way she loved Allison.

And after everything Hope has put the alpha through....She was gonna try and finally accept that fact.

"I'll give you all a minute before we go any further" Ambrose said in a soft and caring voice as he looked at Allison with soft and caring eyes.

No one's pov

After everyone finally calmed down from the emotions that they felt from the previous memory, Ambrose cleared his throat in an unusually akward manner trying to gain everyone's attention. Which worked.

"The memories I'm gonna show you next are gonna be presented to you...a little differently" Ambrose paused as he saw the anxious looks on everybody's face.

More specifically Allison, Hope, Elena and Damon's.

"These will be about the only two people that Y/n's ever loved" he paused once more seeing the adults and Allison's confused face.

Most of the adults here didn't know about Hope and Y/n's shortish lived relationship.

Allison hoped that Y/n found the strength in her to move on, since they both new they'd raise heaven and hell just to protect each other. She knew the alpha would have a hard time moving on as if the shoes were reversed, Allison would be in the same position.

Hope was anxious as she didn't know what would be shown, she didn't know if she'd have to face the aftermath of her stupid decisions. If she could face what ever she made Y/n feel.

It was one of the only things the tribrid feared. Seeing how she broke the only epic love she'd ever have.

"We all know that her first love was Alli-" Jeremy said making a gesture toward where Allison's seat in the middle of Elena and Damon.

"-But who was the second?" He questioned as he was clueless to any other romance his niece had.

The two were pretty close and Y/n saw Jeremy as more of another brother than an uncle and he thought the same with her.

The two talked about anything and everything that didn't protane to beacon hills. And the fact that he didn't know about her second 'love' hurt the older hunter a bit.

"They will be about Y/n's relationship with Allison argent and her relationship with Hope Mikaelson." Ambrose finished ignoring the adults and Allison's shocked look before waving his hand making the screen come to life with memories of the past.

(Italics- memories, normal- talk before or after memories bold italics- the tvdu group commentary)

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