*Obs! Please note that Delaney's favourite name has been changed from Beryl to Adelia, in honour of her mother. This will play an important part later in the story, so be aware of that. Sorry for any inconvenience.
"If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?"
"What is your stance on liquorice wands?".
Draco and I spent the rest of the day, discussing the most important questions in life. Sure enough, there were things that we disagreed on, in fact we disagreed on most things, but we also learned that we share some common interests as well. I think we both knew, deep down, that our relationship wouldn't last, and I was unsure if this even was one, to begin with. After all, a part of me was thinking that, by me getting into bed with Draco, I could also convince or trick him into letting Luna and Neville go free, but another part was fighting my own feelings. Feelings that were growing deeper with every sunrise.
It was the question I asked next, that really got me thinking about my future, and realising I might not have one, or at least not the one I truly wanted. "If we–let's say, hypothetically– ever had kids... What would we name them?". I didn't really have time to think about my question, before blurting it out and exposing myself like that, and Draco seemed just as baffled by the concept of us having kids as I was.
"Well–I don't know...". He scoffed nervously.
"Oh, come on. You must have a list somewhere of names you like. Come on — tell me".
"Well, I guess I never though about that sort of stuff, and to be honest, I'm not sure I even want kids".
I was glad that he answered my question, but all the more baffled by his uncertain reasoning behind the reply he had given me. I had, ever since I was a little girl on the shoulders of my father, wanted a family of my own. Kids. A nice house in the suburbs somewhere. Someone to wake up next to, and who loves me without a second thought. Someone to to love unconditionally.
"Why is that? Surely you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to pass on that faultless DNA of yours—". Draco was quick to interrupt me. "—No, it's not like that at all... I just- I don't want to be the reason for some poor kid growing up the way I did. Afraid all the time, praying for a moment's peace. I don't want to subject someone to that way of living. It's bad enough having to go through it yourself". I had never heard such a serious and agonising tone to his voice. I mean, I had heard and seen him when he was struggling to stay afloat, but our talk of the future, a future none of us may have, really seemed to make him reflect. I placed a comforting hand on his cheek, looking deep into his sad eyes. "I understand. It can't have been easy living under this roof, and with that family of yours. I just don't think you would let the same thing happen to someone else, because of what you've gone through. You're not your father. You're not like them". He stared anxiously into my eyes, tears forming in his. I threw my arms around him, feeling his beating heart under his shirt.
"What about you? You don't have one of those lists of baby names, do you?". As I let go of his embrace, I noticed that he was trying his very best to smile through the pain that, to him, seemed inevitable. "Do you?!", his intense gaze had seemed to pass right though me, and I was struggling to not smile. "Well, I kind of do. It's not that long, though!", I grinned, slightly embarrassed. He placed a reassuring kiss on my lips. "Well, tell me about it. What is on the top of that list?". A slight smile seemed to form in his face, calming my nerves somewhat. I was nervous to tell him of my list, but at the same time, willing to. "Well– I–eh, I've always loved the my mothers first name, Adele, and even though I never knew them, not really, I was kind of thinking of naming my daughter after her. If I ever have one. So I came up with the name Adelia". I placed a hand on the necklace on my neck. "It reminds me of this too. Of my father, and the love he had for my mother".
"Adelia... I like it. It's different. Hopeful".
I smiled, hiding the pain of losing my parents, but all the more happy for him taking this seriously. It was quiet from thereon, we stayed in each other arms for the rest of the night, not demanding anything from each other but to be in that moment. Together.

(1) 𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄 | d. m
Fantasy(Previously named 'Marked for death') When I was seventeen, I learned what love truly meant. Love is waking up in the morning for your first thought to be of that one person. Love is that feeling in your stomach that you get whenever he or she looks...