Neville would barely look me in the eyes after that night in the Dark Forest. He felt betrayed, and I couldn't blame him. After all, I had lied to both him and Luna about the real reason why I was even at Hogwarts in the first place. Still, I could only hope, that they would forgive me.
"Don't give up on Neville. He will come around". Lunas high pitch voice seemed to comfort me a tiny bit. I had been cooped up in my bed for hours, crying and trying to come up with ideas to get on Nevilles good side again. At that point, I would've given anything to see him smile at me once more.
"I know, I just feel terrible, and he's right—I—I should've told you guys the truth. I just... I was afraid you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore if you knew the truth". That was a complete lie. I knew that Luna and Neville would never abandon me like that, they were too kind and trusting. I was just a self-reliant coward.
Luna was standing in the doorframe to the bedroom, wet from the autumn rain. She was smiling comfortingly, and I knew what I had to do. "Just go talk to him. He will understand. I did, and you didn't even have to say anything".
I looked out the window from where I was now sitting upright, the rain was pattering against it as the wind was swooshing. The full moon looked beautiful shining, lighting up the dull and dark evening. It was cold, and only a few weeks til Christmas break.
"Neville, I'm really sorry about everything, and I wish we could still be friends". I practiced my apology in front of the bedroom mirror, pretending like I wasn't entirely anxious about the whole ordeal. I had my red hair in a knot, and my school robes covering my all too pale October skin.
I joined Luna downstairs after getting myself done, ready to take on the day. Luna was dressed in her robes too, showing off her beautiful rhinestone necklace, dangling from her neck. Her hair was in a braid. I was as jealous as ever over her blonde locks and high spirits.
"Where is Neville? I don't see him", I said, only a second after taking my first breath inside the Great Hall. "Okay, he's not here. We checked. Let's go back". But before I could make more excuses and turn to leave, I caught Nevilles eyes from across the room. Luna put a hand on my shoulder, as if to keep me from going anywhere. She knew, just as much as I did, what had to be done. I just wished my legs wouldn't quiver.
"Oh look, it's the liar of the year". Nevilles eyes were still looking at me, but he was far from smiling. I tried to look unbothered, but my performance wasn't fooling anyone, including myself.
I sat down, next to Luna and opposite him. "Lane has something she wishes to tell you", Luna said, forcing me to oblige. I gulped. Tried to remain calm and collected, but in my mind I was still afraid he wouldn't forgive me.
"Right, yeah—Neville, I'm so sorry. I really am. I should've told you the truth a long time ago, I just wasn't sure how". I realized my words weren't the best once's I'd ever used, and tried to correct myself instantly.
Based on Nevilles frown, the apology wasn't good enough either.
"I mean—" but before I could finish my new attempt at an apology, I was interrupted.
"—It's okay, I forgive you". He wasn't smiling, but he wasn't looking mad either.
"You what?", I said, stopping myself mid-sentence. Upon realising what had just happened, I stood up, rounded the table and threw my arms around Neville. I mouthed the words to Luna: "Thank you".
"Alright, alright. Calm down, will you?", Neville said, a smile now stretched across his kind face. "Oh and by the way, that was the worst apology I've ever heard".
I couldn't contain my laughter.
***4 months ago
My conversation with Lane had left me numb. I knew that I could never see myself with someone like her, and I knew where I stood with my family. I wasn't changing anytime soon and besides, I had my dad being sent to Azkaban prison to worry about. To say the least, I wasn't exactly in a state of calm.
Blaise, Goyle and Pansy seemed to bother me more than ever before. The way they seemed to worship at my feet, all the while daring to question my decision making. Everything they said and did seemed to irritate me in a way that had never happened before.
Maybe I'm just unbalanced because of everything that's going on with my father and the Dark Lord. I thought to myself when strolling the halls back to the dungeons one evening, telling myself I wasn't having 'feelings'.
That following night, while laying in bed, my mind kept wandering back and forth between vivid pictures of Lane and Lucius. How I had seemed to break Lane down, putting that awful frown on her face. Probably making her feel worthless and disappointed in me. And to be honest — I was disappointed in me. My dad had been sent away to some terrible prison and there was no hope of him ever coming home. I remembered clearly the look on Narcissa's face as she told me the truth about it all. How several of the Dark Lord's followers had been caught and tried for their 'crimes' and how my dad was one of them.
Nothing could have prepared me for those news, but I also knew that The Dark Lord would be looking to me now, more so than ever, to do his bidding and complete his tasks. There was nothing I could do about it, there was no going back. I was stuck.
In the midst of all my anxiety, I was sent back home. Of course, this is happening now, when I'm probably at my lowest, I thought. My mother and Bellatrix would be returning home from yet another mission away, probably to be with me when the Dark Lord presented me with yet another task. This time however, it wouldn't be too easy.
I was right.
"Draco.... You know the drill", my aunt said, sticking out her serpent like tongue and gesticulating with her wand for me to enter the room at the end of the wing. Of course it had to be the darkest room at the far end of the corridor. The door creaked open as I nervously, with a little bit of sweat dripping down my forehead and brow, took a deep but unstable breath. Inside, was The Dark Lord himself, and Wormtail at his feet.
The Dark Lord was sitting in the usual dark green velvet armchair, breathing heavily through his non-existent nose. He was pale, bald and as scary and serpent looking as ever. Seeing him in his ghastly appearance sent shivers down my spine and tears to form in my eyes. Fortunately, I managed to somehow suppress them, acting as if I wasn't scared shitless. Then he started speaking, his voice sounding like that of a nail scraping against a chalkboard.
"Draco.... My friend. I have something important I need you to do for me". He looked me dead in the eyes, intimidating me further. I didn't know what to say next, but I knew I had to do as the Dark Lord asked, or else I would end up like my father or — Harry Potters.
"I will do whatever you ask of me, my Lord. I am at your mercy". I almost bowed, trying to make my performance all the more believable.
"Excellent", he said, pointing at me with his long and scrawny fingers to come closer, and so I did. "What the Dark Lord needs you to do is, kill Professor Dumbledore and find a way for the Death Eaters to get into Hogwarts, undetected". Wormtail said, inbetween his shaking breaths.
The Dark Lord looked me dead in the eyes once more, making my stomach turn and breathing uneven.
"Well, Draco. What do you say to this honor?", Wormtail continued.
I gulped even more, taking in what weight had just been put in my shoulders. Then I took the deepest breath I'd ever taken before.
"Yes, my Lord. I will do as you ask".

(1) 𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄 | d. m
Fantasía(Previously named 'Marked for death') When I was seventeen, I learned what love truly meant. Love is waking up in the morning for your first thought to be of that one person. Love is that feeling in your stomach that you get whenever he or she looks...