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Yes, you heard right!

'Nepenthe' is getting a sequel. Laney and Draco's story doesn't end here. There's still so much to explore and so many unanswered questions.

Did Laney confront Draco and did he notice her at all?

How come the spell Lucius cast on Draco didn't work as it should've? Why did he slowly lose his memories?

What ever happened to Lucius Malfoy?

And most importantly...

What happens next...?


Just to be clear, I'm not entirely sure when I'll start working on the sequel. I'm not even sure about the name yet. So I guess you'll have to be on the lookout. Exciting things are coming!

All my love,


(1) 𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄 | d. m Where stories live. Discover now