Chapter three

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The next day, I woke up early. The sun had shone so brightly through the window that it made the thick duvet surprisingly hot — how I had ever been able to sleep through the early hours of the morning, I had no idea. Milo, my half grown nebelung cat, was still sleeping at the feet of the bed. He had been a big comfort in my life, he was always there when I needed someone, even when I was at my worst. I left him there, not wanting to wake him up from his slumber. However early it was, I was excited to see whatever the day would bring.

Luna, Neville and I had made plans weeks ago to head into Hogsmeade and I was ever so excited. After all, I couldn't see a reason as to why this day wouldn't turn out perfectly splendid. My mind had traveled back and forth from vivid pictures of Draco, but I was in a good mood as ever. The Great Hall was filled with laughter and cheerful conversation when I finally entered. I could see Neville and Luna at the corner of my eye, both equally engulfed by the massive breakfast platters laid out on the table before them. Neville was biting into a chicken drumstick, and Luna was eyeing a toffee pudding a short inch from where she was sitting, when I made my way towards them. I caught Neville's excited gaze as he let out a: "Morning Laney" and smiled, grinning in-between the bites.

"Good Morning to you too, Longbottom". I sat down beside him, reaching for what looked like a plate of grapes, while also scanning the room for something I didn't quite know. I realised later though, that maybe that thing was no other than Draco Malfoy.

"You are awfully cheerful today", said Luna, somewhat caught off guard by my sudden appearance. She looked at Neville and then faced back at me, smiling. I looked into her ocean eyes, wondering how on earth I came to have such great friends.

Yeah, you wouldn't believe what happened last night. Draco Malfoy actually talked to me without his astonishingly thick-headed friends backing him up and throwing looks of disgust my way. We talked for a while, and I think he might actually be a decent human being, behind that tough bad boy exterior.

Of course, I didn't say any that, and I only half believed it myself.

"Yeah, I guess I am". I felt the corner of my eye twitch into a slight smile as I began to stuff my mouth with anything I could manage to get a hold of. Until now, I hadn't realized how incredibly hungry I actually was.

Hogsmeade was filled with witches and wizards of all ages and sorts, spending their pennies on butterbeers, quills and new wardrobes. It was a bright day, not a cloud in the sky. The sun shine through the gaps between the roof tops and down at the street, almost guiding our path. I found myself having to pinch my arm a few times, proving to myself that this wasn't a dream. It was all as real as magic.

Neville and Luna had decided that we should take as much time as we needed and discover everything we could about Hogsmeade. Where they served the best fish n chips and decide once and for all which one was the superior joke shop, Zonko's or Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. I already had an idea.

After a brief tour of Zonko's; which, to be honest, mostly consisted of window shopping- we headed to Honeydukes to fill up on our respective sweet storage. I managed to grab some butter toffee, a packet of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and some Exploding bonbons.

After spending a good amount of time fishing for some new quills at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, we finally agreed on going to The Three Broomsticks and relax for a bit, until it was time to head back to the castle. The sun had now retired for the day, casting darkness over the bleak village. The previously flooded streets were almost empty.

The Three Broomsticks was neither more nor any less filled with wizards and witches than anywhere else in the village. I suppose the sudden vanishing sunshine had led everyone to flock  inside. Upon entering, the pub smelled like old leather and wet dog, a smell unlike anything I had ever smelled before. After all, I had spent years and years studying magic with Fleur and other quarter-Veelas, and they weren't exactly the smelly or rugged types. Luna eyed a table in a corner, by the window looking out at the street we had just walked on.
As we were sitting down, I realized something. Something that made my heart skip a beat. By a table at the far end of the pub, sitting alone - was Draco.

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