At first, It didn't hurt when I hit the ground.
There was this moment of sudden realisation that something bad had happened — but it didn't hurt. It probably would have made more sense if it did — however — I was too busy pondering what to do next. My hair had somehow tangled itself around my wand upon impact, and my body was shaking like a leaf gone rogue. The ground was cold and wet,
yet somehow, I managed to get on my feet, still shaking, but more in control.I used my sleeve to wipe away the snot hanging from my chin as I tried to stay steady, holding my wand close to my chest, trying my hardest to breathe somewhat normally again.
My heart was in my throat, my body pulsating faster and faster with every passing minute, there was a brief silence, and then I heard myself utter:
I found myself holding a firm grip around my wand, now further away from my body. I had somehow succeeded in untangling my red hair from it. Fenrir Greyback, a well-known Snatcher and Death Eater, was standing in front of me, ready to jump at me at the first chance he'd get. He looked at me, smirking.
I had managed to utter the words of a disarming spell and to my surprise; it had worked, despite my shaking limbs. A beam of light was now evaporating from my wand, throwing Greyback up and back. Stunned, I could sense the rage in his eyes, still smiling at me though, as if he knew what was coming. I knew it wasn't the time to exhale just yet, the Snatchers weren't done with me.
Scabior, another one—with his dirty ash blonde hair pulled in a sleek ponytail—was closing in on me. He was raising his wand, ready to kill me. His disgusting smile threw me off, making it impossible not to feel uneasy.
I held a firm grip around my wand, knowing it was me or him.
I wasn't shaking anymore, no, I had regained my strength and my mind was now focusing on trying to scare them off. I didn't want to kill anyone. I knew that. But I also knew that I might have to. If it came down to it, I would have to kill another person, Snatcher or other.
I had to do everything in my power to regain the upper hand, anything to survive. Because I had to see him again. I had to see Draco.Six months earlier
"Draco, you have done well..."
The Dark Lord's words were echoing in my head making it impossible for me to fall asleep. I was cold, shivering like never before.
I pulled the covers close to me, closing my eyes so hard that I could almost see inside my own skull.
I had become a Death Eater, there was no escaping that. I would never be free from the stronghold of the Dark Lord, never mind my Death Eater parents. I knew this. There was just something inside me, wanting to forget. Wanting to pretend as if it never happened. Imagining what it would be like to be a normal boy.
Sleep never came to me that night, which meant that I was half asleep all of the next day. Goyle and Blaise were laughing amongst themselves when I got to Potions class. Professor Snape hadn't come yet, which meant that they were probably taking the piss out of him, or anyone they could for that matter.
"Good morning sunshine", I heard Blaise say as I sat down next to them and Pansy Parkinson. Goyle was laughing as usual and I just turned to them and grinned. Dusting off the cover of my copy of Advanced Potion Making, I fixed my gaze at the front of the classroom.

(1) 𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄 | d. m
Fantasy(Previously named 'Marked for death') When I was seventeen, I learned what love truly meant. Love is waking up in the morning for your first thought to be of that one person. Love is that feeling in your stomach that you get whenever he or she looks...