‹ twenty nine ›

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the next day, woohyun showed up early to his tuition class, yuta was still at work but would have been coming home anytime soon, sicheng was studying for a test on the coffee table but got up to let the boy in

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the next day, woohyun showed up early to his tuition class, yuta was still at work but would have been coming home anytime soon, sicheng was studying for a test on the coffee table but got up to let the boy in. 

sicheng had insisted that he'd come in despite the older boy saying that he could just wait outside for him. eventually, he came in and took off his shoes, sicheng leading him to the couch

"sorry for the mess, hadn't had time to clean up," 

"do you usually clean alone?" 

"nope, yuta does and I do the laundry, but we argued yesterday and I was too mad to ask him to do anything,"

"what happened?" 

"he just treats me like I'm a child know? he's always taking care of me, telling me what I should do and what I shouldn't for my own sake," 

"i would personally like that, I don't know," 

"you would?" 

"too bad I'm not into boys that are already in a relationship?"

"oh- woohyun, what did you mean, that time, when you said my aunt didn't kill my mom,"

"that's a secret, but you're smart, you should figure it out," his emotion completely changes

"you did it?" sicheng says with a huge pang in his heart, and not in a good way


"sicheng, I'm home, oh woohyun! you're here early! what a wonderful surprise,"

"sorry, I didn't mean to, i just-" he cutely says, going back to his original emotion, sicheng looked confused 

"no! woohyun! tell me then! who killed her?"

"I-i don't know what you're talking about," woohyun says softly and shyly, clearly manipulating yuta but just angering poor sicheng. 

"you're a psychopath!" sicheng stood up in anger

"sicheng! woah! sit down!" 

"no! you stay out of this!" sicheng looks at yuta, his eyes lighting up with anger, then he looks at woohyun "you! listen to me! you're going to tell me who killed my mother! or I swear to god-"

"sicheng!" yuta takes woohyun from the couch away from sicheng. "you're insane! for real this time! how dare you accuse him of something like that!" 

"are you seriously believing him over me! yuta, he's a psychopath heck even a murderer for all I know! yuta! believe me!"

"no! sicheng! you seriously need help! you always do the stupidest shit! you can't just shout at our guests like that!"

"stop. telling me. what to do! i'm not your son, i'm your boyfriend,"

"well, you won't be if you keep up with this bullshit!" yuta replies 

"woohyun, just cut your bullshit and tell him! what is wrong with you?" 

"yuta- I-i'm scared-" the short and cute boy says and a soft emotion plants itself on his face, he hugs the boy then turns to sicheng who scoffs 

"why? why are you doing this?! what did she do wrong?!" sicheng erupts in painful tears. "she-she had nothing to do with you, why would you just-" 

"sicheng, just go to sleep," yuta says softly and sicheng just sits on the couch. "woohyun, I think you should go, I'll just stay here and see what's up with him," yuta walks the younger out the door

"are you sure? do you not want to get a drink with me or something?" he asks innocently "you seem very stressed," he whispers 

"I-i kinda am, it's like he's going insane, sicheng doesn't usually do this," 

"really? I heard he does that often, b-but if anything happens, just come to me, you're always welcomed at my home" 

"of course"

 "okay, bye-bye!" woohyun smiles and waves which didn't seem fitting to the situation but not that yuta cared. 

yuta rushed into the apartment after he made sure that the boy had gone down the elevator.

now, what you've witnessed here is manipulation, of course, yuta wasn't going to go to sleep without reconciling with sicheng first and of course, yuta was going to believe the younger, sicheng might be stupid but he isn't a lunatic and he was for sure not going to make something that up, so they came up with the plan. 

first things first, yuta was going to give the wrong time to woohyun, so that the boy would come early, then sicheng would start recording with his phone and hide it in his hoodie

sicheng would first then start talking about something normal and bring up the fact that he and yuta argued to make woo think that their relationship was vulnerable at that point.

then he would bring up the thing woohyun had said the day before,   and make him talk about it and at the right time, yuta would enter through the door and completely be oblivious to what was happening. 

after a few seconds, sicheng would demand an answer to what had happened and yuta would accuse him of being insane, making woohyun think that he was on his side.

yuta would then make it seem as if sicheng and he were no longer in love, of course, sicheng would add on to that with the fact that they should just break up. 

yuta would then take woohyun out of the door and make it seem even more that he was done with sicheng. 

and the result of it made yuta sure that the boy he was tutoring was involved with sicheng's mom's murder, but in what way? no one knew. 


so this book is almost at an end

until then, thank you for all the support 

if you enjoy my writing skills you could maybe make your way to my other, slightly worse books

have a wonderful week!

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