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sicheng and yoon were chatting even more, sicheng clingy as ever, which yoon loved and even complied to, when the sun was already up, they both got up to go back to their cabins, holding hands again, when one of the female organizers, blocked their way.

"yoon? who's that?" she asked looking at sicheng then at yoon, sicheng was scared but looked at yoon waiting for his answer.

"chae, oh he's the one i told you about,"he said and sicheng blushed

"the one you're playing?" she folded his arms, sicheng's heart shattered

"what are you talking about?" yoon asked

"i mean, it's pretty clear isn't it, i mean why would someone like you like someone like me," sicheng snickered but he had dark eyes, really hurt inside. then he smiled at him "have a nice day," the boy left towards his dorm

"no! sicheng!" yoon ran after him but gave up, and turned back to the girl who had said

"dang, didn't know he was so insecure," she giggled

"dude, why would you do that?" he almost shouted at her for what she had done

"i was just playing around, plus it's not like you guys look good together," she said

"i like him a lot, and you know that," he said

"you knew him for a day and suddenly you like him so much, but with me, i've known you for years now and you don't even want to acknowledge my existence,"

"because you pull shit like this, " he says and the girl looks down

"i like you a lot yoon," she shyly said breaking the deafening silence

"i'm sorry, but..."he trailed of "i like sicheng a lot,"

"but now he doesn't like you back, so,"she folded her arms

"that's why you're going to tell him that you were joking," he blankly said

"tsk..fine," she roles her eyes "what do you like about him anyways?" she asks

"everything, he's perfect," he says.

sicheng ran towards the cabin but stopped and took a deep breath before walking in, he took a deep breath and walked in.

"hey, how was your date?"yuta asked still immersed in reading his manga.

"it was perfectly fine," sicheng took off his jacket and hung it on the rack and lying down on his bed. catching yuta's attention since that wasn't the reaction he expecting.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

"talk about what? everything is fucking fine," sicheng said poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"breakfast is soon, are you gonna be eating with him?" yuta asked

"that's none of your business," sicheng got up and grabbed yuta's hot pack and passed it to him.

then they heard a knock on the door, which yuta ran to and opened.

"good morning, can i talk to dong sicheng?" a girl stood rolling her eyes

"you seem like you dont want to," yuta scoffed

"just call him for me," she crossed her arms

"sicheng, someone wants to talk to you," yuta called out

"yuta come here," sicheng said back and yuta closed the door and went to sicheng who was in the bathroom,


"pretend to be my boyfriend,"

"what the fuck?"

"i'll do what you want, just do this one thing for me," sicheng begged

"fine, but you'll have to explain it later,"

"fine, just go," sicheng patted on yuta's back and the boy went off and went to the girl

"my boyfriend doesn't want to talk right now, we're both kind of busy, if you know what i mean," yuta winked,

"y-your boyfriend?"her eyes lit up.

"mhm,"he nodded

"enjoy whatever you guys are doing, breakfast is in 3 hours," she said all giggily and happy and left.

"thank you so much,"sicheng said

"mm, so what happend?" yuta sat on his bed patting next to him so that sicheng sat there too.

"it turns out he was playing me the whole time, he didn't like me, just thought i was an easy target, i'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, after I get back at him you can go back to hating me and we'll have our rivalry back okay?" sicheng's eyes lighted up, hoping that yuta would understand

"i'll help you get back at him dont worry," yuta said petting his head

"dont do that," sicheng's face went back to normal.

"sorry, but if you want, we can practice what we're going to do during breakfast? since he'll probably be having an eye on you," yuta said, liking the fact that he'll have sicheng to himself, even if it was just fake.

"good idea, so i'm gonna warn you though, i'm probably the clingiest person you'll ever
meet though so i'm sorry," sicheng says awkwardly

"nah dont worry about it," yuta said "i'm clingy too," yuta said

"okay, so let's make up a whole ass story, so let's say that we were rivals and then we just fell in love, and by luck we made it here in the same cabin," sicheng said getting a little too excited

"and that you were only interested in him because we were on a break but we're back together?" yuta suggested

"genius," sicheng high fived yuta with the biggest smile

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