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"so...what happened to sicheng?"

"a tendon tear and a broken ankle, that's all, they're just putting him in a cast right now,"

"oh...the managers at the café said he was in for surgery?" 

"no! oh god no! he must be getting into a cast right now, "

"i'm so sorry for doing this to him, it was an accident i promise, and i'll pay for all the bills,"

"wait, you did this?" she laughs softly "my son breaks your heart so you break his leg," mrs. dong jokes and wraps her arm around the boy's "don't worry, and don't worry about the bills, the school is paying for it since i work there," 

"that's so much trouble, are you sure i can't just pay for it myself?" 

"you're a young boy and you've worked hard," she says "so, what are you and sicheng now?"

"i told him that i don't like him anymore and it isn't true, but he's going through a lot and i don't want to pressure him into anything,"

"it's kind of disappointing that you two aren't together, he looked so in love with you when you dropped him off, and every time i would ask about you he would light up and have this smile that i haven't seen on him since his father passed away, he likes you, and i don't know for sure but if he does, i'll be the first to let you know because i know for a damn fact that he won't tell you,"

"mrs. dong, i don't think i'm ready for a relationship with sicheng, i mean, i was barely even his friend, i don't know what he thinks of me, and i just think he's not ready for something like that either,"

"yuta, i need to tell you something, and it's very important, but promise me you'll keep it a secret," she says after a short while of silence 

"i promise,"

"sicheng probably already told you that i was sick, see, i know this is dramatic but i don't have much time, and by much i mean that i barely have a month, i'd be lucky if i lived until christmas, but everyone day is painful than the other, i should be in the hospital right now but it's not helping  my case, i needed to be with sicheng before i'm gone, all the debt is payed, it's been payed a long time ago but all this time the money is saved for sicheng..." she says and yuta looks away, clearly upset by the news he had just heard. 

"...oh," he exhales and mrs. dong wipes her tear and places her hand on yuta's 

"promise me you'll take care of him when i'm gone,"

"he'll be broken and he doesn't t-trust me, he-he doesn't even talk to me,"

"i can't send him to his aunt, she hates him and he's still underage so...you're my only hope, just until he turns 18," she speaks and silence so she sighs and says "i know it's a lot, yuta, but it's only for a few months,"

"it's not that, i'm just, worried for him, he loves you and he's always so worried about you,"

"that's why he needs you!" she sniffles and yuta presses his lips against each other

"okay," yuta sighs and the doctor comes out,

"he's all good, he should be able to go home tomorrow morning, he just needs rest," the doctor says to the two and they get up, going into the room, yuta after mrs. dong, he sees sicheng who looks at him and yuta looks away slightly.

"hey, you okay?" sicheng's mom asks and sicheng nods still looking at yuta who looks back at him

"i'm sorry, sicheng," yuta says and sicheng smiles softly

"i'm glad you came...in your apron?" sicheng jokes 

"oh-" yuta smile and takes it off, placing it in his bag and placing it down. "does it hurt?" 

"like hell, but thank god for pain killers i guess," 

"yeah," yuta smiles, it was still awkward but not as awkward as before. then yuta's phone rang but he just closed the call. 

"mom, can you give us a second?" sicheng asks softly. 

"yeah sure," she says and gets out. 

"i broke up with yoon," 

"he told me, he thought it had something to do with me," yuta says 

"it does have something to do with you, i was being immature by staying with him and i can't believe it took me such a long time to realize that he's a jerk, it was you who made me realize that i didn't need him,"

"he isn't as bad as i thought, yes he was stupid for what he did to you and it's something that no one should be forgiven for, but i don't know, i guess he really cared about you," yuta looks down "but it's good that you did the right thing and followed your heart,"

"yuta, i missed you," sicheng says and yuta looks at him "we're still friends right?" 

"yeah, of course," 

"wait so what's happening because i'm so confused," sicheng jokes 

"i wish i knew," yuta laughs 

"so what brought you here?"  

"oh, i don't know, i was worried since, i, oh i  don't know, knocked you out, but you seem fine, so imma head out," yuta smiles and gets out turning around

"what no! i'm still in pain stay," sicheng held his wrist which spun him to face him, but yuta trips and falls on top of sicheng slightly. "great, your broke my arms too,"

"well, that means i have to stay here more," yuta smiles and gets up. fixing his shirt. sicheng smiles and looks away at the window

"oh, and, also, your best friend may or may have not have given you a promotion which may or may not be you being manager of the branch," yuta says and sicheng's eyes widen at the news 

"me? manager? what the hell did i miss?" 

"i went to work and the ceo and the manager were there and they said that they're opening another branch and that our current manager is going to run the other branch so they needed someone to run the current branch from you and i and i didn't want to take the job, so congrats on your promotion,"

"yuta!! no! you should've taken the job are you stupid?" sicheng says hitting yuta's shoulder softly

"you're more fitting for the job and you know it," yuta says and sicheng goes quiet. 

"thanks," sicheng smiles "but also as punishment, you're going to have to take care of me for the next 3 months,"

"deal," yuta says "ugh, that means you're my boss now,"

"a boss that you slept with too," sicheng grins. 

"i'm done,"

"come on, you know that i wouldn't do a thing to you,"

"can i come in?"

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