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the mood was tense, sweat dripping off the two boy's face, racing against time trying to prove themselves to the hundreds watching them right now, counting on them to raise their respective school's legacy

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the mood was tense, sweat dripping off the two boy's face, racing against time trying to prove themselves to the hundreds watching them right now, counting on them to raise their respective school's legacy.

the score was 3 to 3 the rest of the players practically leaving the game to the two who had their competitive eyes on the prize.

"and number 9 gets the ball making his way smoothly to the other side of the court, will he be the one to break the tie?" the sports announcer said, his voice ringing in yuta's ears making him run faster.

"oh no he won't," he spoke under his breath, finally making it to the boy, and smoothly cutting the ball from him, he smirked and ran the opposite direction, cheers getting louder and just as he had made it to the goal which was practically empty the final whistle echoed across the field, and everyone went silent, yet again, a tie for the fifth time that season, neither of the schools winning even once against one another yet beating every other school. there was no doubt that these two were the best in the country but that clearly wasn't good enough for yuta nakamoto and dong sicheng who had anger grow inside of them.

they were known to be hot heads sometimes but that wasn't a bad thing, basically, everyone loved them except each other, they had such a massive rivalry that the other would leave the place if one of them was found in it.

the two teams lined up to greet it each other after the match, yuta and sicheng rolled their eyes and carelessly shook hands and then made their way to the locker rooms, yuta sweating profusely not talking to the rest of his teammates like he usually does after a match against sicheng's school

"yo nakamoto, nice goals today," taeyong, yuta's teammate said patting yuta's shoulder to cheer him up. instead of replying, yuta grabbed his white towel on his shoulder and left to go into the shower.

"why's he like this?" jaehyun wondered

"he's really competitive, just his nature i guess," taeyong replied to his boyfriend, he rested down on the bench.

meanwhile, in the other locker room, sicheng was the same except that his teammates left him alone because they knew how sicheng was after he would 'lose' to yuta nakamoto.

"listen up, you're all staying after school for extra practice," the coach shouted across the locker room scaring all the players straight except for sicheng who just had a straight face, as soon as the coach left, groans and sighs could be heard from the players around sicheng. he grabs his other uniform and towel and goes to change, coming out looking fresh and pale as hell, he was sick the night before, he really shouldn't have played that match but out of how much he needed to win he played regardless which he now deeply regrets.

sicheng tried to swallow as much as he could as he ran the 24th lap around the field with the whole team but every time he did, it was agony, he ran and ran until his legs gave up on him and he fell to the ground gathering everyone around him, including the strict coach.

"sicheng? are you okay?" the oldest in the team, taeil asked and sicheng didn't respond since he couldn't hear nor see anything, another boy ran across the field to get some water and when he came back he spilt it on sicheng making the boy immediately wake up when he did, he got up quickly which was a big mistake, he hissed at the pain coming from his head at first but then brushed it off, he bowed in apology and started running, the coach whistled making him stop.

"practice is over, dong sicheng, get home and rest," he said, sicheng nodded and rushed to the locker room eager to get back home to his mom, who he missed a lot since it was a pretty long day and she couldn't make it to the match.

sicheng lives with his single mother, she works two jobs, in the day time she works at the reception in sicheng's school but she doesn't earn enough so in the evening she works at a cafe nearby with sicheng, but it was friday and the only day they didn't have to go to work.

sicheng rode his back him and walked in and greeted his mother who was gloomily watching the small tv on their torn up couch, sicheng's father committed suicide when sicheng was 13 which was 4 years ago, he left behind his debt and no money at all, leaving sicheng and his mother to live in the dump, sicheng tried his best to not hate him but every time he thinks about it, he despises the dead man even more.

sicheng isn't that good at school either which is why he took up sports which, which wasn't really something that he thought of before since he was a kid more interested in dancing, but he worked really hard to get where he is today, his only aim is to get into a good college with a scholarship and then a job to support his mom.

yuta was walking him and just as he made it close to the two-story villa, he could hear his father scream at his mom again, glass breaking, probably alcohol bottles again signifying that the man was drunk or even stoned. yuta hesitated as he opened the front door and was about to close it again but his father noticed him meaning he was dead whether he liked it or not, yuta sighed and opened the door fully trying to mind his own business and go to his room without being beaten up like his mother was, but nope.

"where do you think you're going you faggot?" yuta's father shouted making yuta freeze

"to my room," yuta replied

"don't talk back to me, come back here,"

"let him be!" yuta's mom said, blood coming from the corner of her lips and from the side of her head, her cheeks red and bruised from handprints.

"don't talk to me! you're the reason our son is gay,"

"i'm leaving," yuta simply said, going back down the stairs, he saw he father rushing to approach him but he was quicker and ran to the door, closing it behind him, but he didn't stop there, he ran as quick as he could so that his father wouldn't catch up with him and when he was far enough, he decided to walk around until it was safe to get back home, and it was the same situation for every day.

yuta started singing to himself to calm himself down but it didn't work, he hated seeing his mom like that but he constantly tells hers her to stop buying him the booze but she says that she loves him too much apparently, which he sees to be bullshit because if she really loved his father and her son then she wouldn't do any of that, so yuta just lets it be and learned to be independent and alone.

hey, glad you took time from your precious day to read this chapter

sorry if it disappointed you and if it's too dramatic


much love (✿◠‿◠)

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