Ermes Costello relationship headcanons

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Ermes is very loving. She believes that any people close to her be it family, friends, or her significant other, deserve support and affirmation.

She's courageous and resilient. Protecting her lover comes to her naturally, overlooking her partner's physique or fighting capabilities. She wants her loved ones to be safe even if she has to come out of a fight bruised and battered.

She also wants to have a family someday. Ermes always wished to find a spouse and live a long happy life with them. On the topic of family, she'll get along great with her S/O's parents and siblings. They would love her and encourage that you'd visit more often.

Ermes is very active. She particularly enjoys wrestling and hiking, so don't be surprised if most of your dates consist of picnics after long hikes or watching the WWE summer slam and cuddling on the couch.

On the topic of physical contact, Ermes thrives on it. She'll always be holding on to you whether you're in public or at home. Kissing your temple is her favorite way to show affection, and she adores it when her S/O kisses her neck.

Expect cheesy pick-up lines and romantic serenades. Ermes loves making singing in her spare time, so she'll gladly write a couple of dozen of overly sweet songs that melt your heart.

You'll also spend many a night up on the roof. Reminiscing about what both of you want to do in the future. She'll also talk about star constellations ad zodiac signs. She's not very superstitious, but if your zodiac signs happen to be a good match, she'll joke that 'your love was fated to happen because it's written in the stars'.

Her lips are unbelievably soft. She uses lots of chapstick and higher-end lipstick, all because she wants her kisses to be pleasant and soft. She'll share her chapsticks but not without teasing you about sharing an indirect kiss.

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