A night to remember [Abbacchio x reader]

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Your gaze fell out of the open window onto the street below as you carefully scanned the people who were making their way back home after long and tedious hours of work. The breeze gently swaying the curtains as you lowered your body to sit in your favorite chaise. Tearing your eyes from the street down below, you looked up at the night sky. Stars twinkled in the pale light of a full moon as you tried to count as many as your eyes could see. Stars always reminded you of the night you met him.

To think that you met the love of your life by absolute chance, bumping into each other as he was leaving the old, arched entrance of your university. To think that if you waited for a second longer before climbing an old stone brick step, you wouldn't be where you are today. Your mind refused to entertain that idea as you shook your head to shake off the chills that ran down your spine. Making your way back inside the now chilly living room you glance at the elegant clock that reads well past midnight.

"He's late again..." sighing out loud, you make your way to the old wine cabinet slowly scanning the dark oak shelves, until finally deciding on a bottle of your favorite charbono. Pouring the contents of the dark glass bottle into two wine glasses that sat on the coffee table.

The sound of someone unlocking your front door echoes through your apartment. Gently setting down the bottle you walk out into the hallway to see your beloved Abbachio, taking off his shoes with a low grumble.

"Welcome home, how was work today?" an airy chuckle leaves your throat as Leone straightens out and wraps his arms around you, pressing a few chaste kisses to your forehead.

"Sorry I came back so late. They weren't keen on letting me off early on a Friday, damn bastards." your hum tickles his neck as Leone links his hand with yours, leading you back to the living room.

"As long as you come home safe, I won't complain, now..." you snatch the wine glasses off the table, handing one to him.

"Let's celebrate?" with a clink from the glasses, you both take a sip as Leone melts into your side, leaning his head on your shoulder. As you sat in comfortable silence occasionally making a short comment about your day and slowly sipping wine until both of your glasses sat empty on the floor beside the couch. Closing your eyes, you focused on the sound of shifting from the man beside you.

Abruptly, Abbacchio stood up and made his way to the bureau in the corner of the room. Craning your neck, you tried your best to look past Leone's slender frame to see the table, alas giving up and deciding to stay put.

"Would you care to dance with me, tesorina?" Leone didn't try to hide the smirk that adorned his face as he turned to you holding out his hand.

You recognized the vinyl record he put on as the same one you gifted him when he joined the police force. Your lips twitched up into a coy smile as you slowly stood up taking his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you fell right into his arms, swaying to the soft sounds of the violins. Burying your head into the crock of his neck, you felt him loosen his shoulders as the stress of today melted away from his body. He pressed your body closer to his as a particularly cold breeze invaded your little sanctuary from the open balcony windows.

As the record was nearing its end Leone slowly dipped your body down, kissing your exposed neck and leaving a purple smudge of lipstick as his lips made contacts with your skin. A shiver went down your spine as you felt Leone pull you up, lips still kissing and nipping at your neck. Slowly dragging your palms up his chest you cup Leones's face and press your lips to his, further smudging his lipstick.

Even if the night was still young, you knew for certain that this was going to be a night to remember.   

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