Jolyne valentine's day Oneshot

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Happy valentine's day!💖

 I wanted to write a short story to celebrate since I've got nothing better to do! I sincerely hope that you'll find lots of love today and share that love with your significant other, family, friends, and your favorite characters!💖

 I wanted to write a short story to celebrate since I've got nothing better to do! I sincerely hope that you'll find lots of love today and share that love with your significant other, family, friends, and your favorite characters!💖

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Nothing in the whole world could beat sleeping in on a Sunday. As the morning rays of warm sunshine grazed your face through an opening in the curtains of your room, you slowly stretched, trying to shake the remaining sleepiness out of your body.

Reaching over your bed you find it suspiciously empty. You huffed curled up again, fighting to keep your eyes open, only to be graced by the sweet aroma of fresh coffee and the clattering of cups and pans. After a short while, the door opened to reveal none other than Jolyne as she slowly shuffled into the room with a tray of breakfast.

"Good morning, sorry if I woke you up." Her lips twisted into a sheepish smile as she made her way closer to your shared bed.

"Morning. It's fine, I woke up before I heard you wreck our kitchen." your quip drew out a short laugh as she finally set down the tray and sat down. The bed creaked as you shifted to take the steaming mug of coffee out of her hands.

"What's the special occasion? It's not every day I get to have breakfast in bed."

"It's valentine's day! I know we don't usually celebrate it, but I wanted to do something fun this year."

"Oh? You have something planned?" She hummed.


"Are you going to tell me?"

"No." She smirked, taking a bite out of her breakfast and turning away to snicker at the face you pulled.

"Oh, come on! Please?"

"I'm not telling, you're just gonna have to wait and see what I have in store for you."

Rolling your eyes, you set aside the food and tackle Jolyne. Her laugh rings through the room as both of you collapse on the bed. Burying your head into the crook of her neck, you let out a content sigh.

"Let's hold off on that surprise, right now I wanna be in with you a bit longer."

"Sure butterfly, whatever you say."

Closing your eyes, you let yourself relax and fall asleep once more, but not before hearing a quiet 'I love you' from Jolyne.

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