Robert E. O. Speedwagon relationship headcanons [NSFW]

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I really wanted to put this out yesterday but then my brain decided to say "no🙃" and here we are.

As requested by the lovely @umbreon4me 💖 Thank you very much for your request💖(I may have gotten a bit carried away and wrote up some NSFW stuff too)


You would probably meet through Jonathan; he'd introduce you two after the whole ordeal with Dio. As soon as he laid eyes on you, it was love at first sight. He had no idea what came over him but since the day you met, there wasn't a day when Robert hasn't thought about you.

Robert might be a street thug, but when it comes to you, he's a completely different man. Wooing you comes naturally to him, be prepared to receive plenty of gifts or go out to watch a lay at the local theatre, and some banter while he walks you home.

After you two start officially start courting, Robert will completely melt if were to call him by some sort of pet name, every time you call him 'darling', 'honey' or 'Speedy' he will be completely at your mercy. Use that power wisely.

He has to brush his hair quite often since it's so long. Ask him to braid his hair and congrats! You've got a very happy Speedwagon in your lap. 


He's definitely a very soft and giving top.

He'll most definitely let you dictate the pace and make sure you feel comfortable. He wants to make his beloved feel as euphoric as possible. 

Robert isn't particularly kinky; he likes keeping things vanilla, although he does like to leave as many marks on your body as he can, be it hickies or bite marks, rest assured that you'll be covered in them.

He won't admit it, but he adores seeing you in lingerie, every time you wear something sheer and lacy, he has to stop himself from ripping it off of your body and absolutely ravishing you. Although regardless of what you're wearing he will make sure that you are completely spent and satisfied, as a lover he wants nothing more than to make you feel happy.

Robert also happens to be the absolute best at post-coital snuggles, he'll latch on to you, rubbing and massaging your back as both of you slowly fall asleep in each other arms. 

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