Abbacchio anxiety comfort headcanons

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A request for anxiety comfort HC's for Abbaccio from my Tumblr💖

Abbacchio will notice something is bothering his S/O right off the bat and he's ready to comfort them in any way that he can

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Abbacchio will notice something is bothering his S/O right off the bat and he's ready to comfort them in any way that he can. 

The first thing that he'll do is ask if they need someone to listen or if they'd just prefer to cuddle in silence. Either way, he's prepared to shoulder his S/O's troubles. 

If they choose the former, Leone is prepared to listen to every word his S/O says and pitch in with some advice and support if they need or want it. 

If they want the latter, he is ready to wrap his arms around his S/O no questions asked. Bringing them down to the couch and gently rubbing circles onto his S/O's back is his go-to, he'll also whisper comforts and sweet nothings such as "I love you and I am always here for you, no matter what's going on" to his S/O in hopes to somewhat calm them. 

He'll also try to take their mind off the things that bother them with the activities that his S/O enjoys. Leone will also try to surround them with things that bring his S/O comfort like the scent of tea or their favorite candles. 

Once they calm down, he will insist that both his and his S/O go out for an hour or two to take a walk or go out to eat. He won't push them to do it; Leone just wants them to clear their head and enjoy themselves, although Abbacchio is ready to stay by his S/O's side for as long as they need to. 

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