Let's set the world on fire [Jolyne x reader]

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The Stone Ocean anime announcement got me in the mood for sweet Jolyne fluff, also this prompt was just too perfect to pass up💖

The Stone Ocean anime announcement got me in the mood for sweet Jolyne fluff, also this prompt was just too perfect to pass up💖

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Jolyne threw her head back, finishing off the last of your celebratory beer. She turned her head to you, watching as you slowly drank your drink. And continuing to stare long after your glass was empty.

"Jolyne? Are you ok?" your question seemed to have snapped her back to reality. Slowly, she blinked and opened her mouth, only to say:

"Let's go burn something."

"What? Why?"

"We're celebrating, right? No good party ends without something being burnt down."

You knew that your lovable girlfriend was quite the rambunctious delinquent in her teens, but you can't say that you expected to hear that from her now when she's older.

"Do you remember that god awful sweater my dad bought me? The yellow one?"

"Yeah, I was gonna wash it tonight." Jolyne's eyes lit up as she stood from the couch on a quest to find a lighter.

"Good, can you go get it and bring it out back for me?" at this point, you knew better to try and reason with her, you lifted yourself off the couch and made your way towards the bathroom. Snatching the gaudy, yellow monstrosity out of the laundry basket and walking down the short corridor, you stopped to put on your shoes. Stepping through the door you go rigid as the April chill runs through your body.

You see Jolyne throwing some wood scraps into the fire pit and dousing them in gas.

"I didn't know we had firewood around here."

"Huh? Oh, this is the old bed that came with the house." you raise an eyebrow at her nonchalant words as she continues to throw various pieces of wood into the growing pile. Sighing, you walk down the steps and toss Jolyne the sweater and watch as she lights the sleeve of the sweater on fire and tosses it onto the fire pit. In what seems like a split second the gasoline soaked wood catches ablaze with a roar from the flame.

Jolyne stands next to you as both of you watch the fire eat away at the yellow fabric. You feel the heat from the flames starting to thaw out your skin as your eyes follow the fire as it dances around the pit. You're pulled back into reality when you feel someone nudge your forearm. Tearing your gaze away from the fire you see Jolyne holding out a pair of crème pumps.

"You always say how much you hate these, wanna toss 'em in?" the bitter memories of some past date that scorned you in some way that you can't bother to remember flood your mind as you look down on the shoes that you loath, oh so very much. You take the pumps from her hands and throw them into the fire, watching as the faux leather shrinks under the heat of the flames.

"That felt nicer than I thought it would."

"I know right?" not bothering to answer the question you slowly lean on her and slip your hand into Jolyne's giving it a squeeze.

Over time the only thing remaining in the fire pit are warm ember that blow a vibrant orange. Feeling Jolyne shift, you turn your head. Her skin looks smooth and warm and the dim light from the dying embers flickers in her eyes. Placing your hand on her cheek you felt her body flinch just the tiniest bit soon being replaced with calmness. In an instance you felt her hands finding their place on your hips as she pulled you flush against her body, slowly you closed your eyes and felt her soft lips on your own.

Shifting your head slightly, you savored every sensation, from how her soft, wet lips perfectly interlocked with your own, to the low hum she released from her throat as you parted momentarily to catch your breath, only to repeat the cycle all over again, mesmerized how her touches sparked so many different emotions in you. In these moments you were sure that you were ready to set the world on fire, just to feel her soft touches and kisses on your skin. 

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