Picture of perfection [Foo Fighters x fem!Reader]

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I'm an absolute idiot who forgot she posts on weekends

This was requested by the lovely JotatoKujosWife 💖 I hope you'll like it, even though one-shots aren't my strongest suit, also I'm sorry if it's short💖

The soft sunlight seeps in through the stained windows of the chapel as you try to smooth out the front of your white dress. A sigh escapes your lips, and you lift your eyes and once again look over to your closest friends, though at this point you could call your second family. Seeing their faces full of glee as they whisper about something or other, made the pre-wedding jitters subside just a tad, you still couldn't help but clench your bouquet in your hands.

"If you don't relax, that pretty bouquet of yours is going to fall apart." You flinch, as Gwess places her hand on your shoulder and giving it a comforting pat. Relaxing your grip on the poor flowers, you ask her.

"Is it really that noticeable?" You jeer, already knowing how stressed you must look from the side.

"It really is, you're practically shaking in your boots. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

With a huff, you're about to retaliate, but all you can manage is a peep as you're cut off by the sound of the pipe organ. Gwess steps back as you turn your head facing the aisle, only to see the love of your life. As everyone turns to see Foo walking down the aisle, you're awestruck by her radiance, soaking up every little detail about her. From her own ivory gown that fit her like a well-tailored glove, to the way she smiled seemed to brighten up as soon as she saw you. As Foo neared to the altar, taking her place at your side, as she took her hand in yours a sense of warmth flooded your chest that couldn't be compared to anything you felt before.

As the pastor talked your eyes kept on wandering to Foo, she looked like a goddess shrouded in a sheer white veil. Drowning out the noise of the church your thoughts began to drift to how happy you are with your beloved and how that happiness won't fade for as long as you live. Now all you had to do is to kiss your beautiful wife, and your life together will be the picture of perfection. 

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