Akira Otoishi relationship/general headcanons

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As much as he brags about becoming a Rockstar, so far Otoishi only plays in a few local bars. He likes the vibes there, and he meets lots of good people, you included. Most likely meet him after closing time you'd chat as he walked you home.

This becomes a sort of a routine for the both of you every time he sees you in one of his spots. And he'll see you often, not only because you enjoy the cheap drinks, you've taken interest in Morioh's local Rockstar wannabe. After going out and getting to know each other Otoishi will most likely ask you out.

He'll get comfortable in your relationship very quickly. Otoishi has had a few relationships in the past, but most of them ended quite quickly, so he wants to make the best of your relationship without waiting too long or being afraid of doing something wrong.

Otoishi is very open about his feelings. He's proud of wearing his heart on his sleeve, so if something is bothering him, he won't hesitate to talk to you about it. Saying that he's also very proud of your relationship and he won't hesitate to show or say it.

Akira would love it if you played some sort of musical instrument, jamming out and writing songs is his favorite thing to do, and if you're getting involved, he'll be over the moon. Although if you don't possess any musical abilities, don't worry he takes just as much pleasure in writing songs for you and serenading you with his sweet music.

He'll be all over you if you have any artistic abilities. Akira can't draw for shit so the fact that you can draw, paint, sculpt, etc. Blows his mind. Otoishi will ask you to draw an album cover for his LPs and he will love anything and everything you come up with.

Otoishi loves kissing you, his kisses border on passionate and messy. He'll also hold you close while wrapping his arms around your waist.

Likes stay-at-home dates. He likes seeing you in an environment that you're comfortable in so most of the time both of you will be chilling at home, watching old movies, or listening to his extensive vinyl collection.

Akira has an enormous vinyl collection that spans almost every genre, from classical to R&B to rock. He likes incorporating different aspects of music into his songs.

He likes video games. Though he doesn't have too much time to play games anymore, on weekends he'll boot up a console he got when he was younger and kick back and relax with a beer and some good classic games. His personal favorite franchises are Resident evil and Dungeon Keeper.

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