La Squadra urbex headcanons

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I'm suffering from a severe case of La Squadra brain rot and this has been sitting in my drafts for almost a month so I finally finished it :p

I'm suffering from a severe case of La Squadra brain rot and this has been sitting in my drafts for almost a month so I finally finished it :p

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Risotto Nero:

Good in theory, a disaster in practice. As much as Risotto likes the idea of it, he'll most likely won't participate because of how tall and broad he is.

Also, his love for long and flowy clothes will make it difficult for him to move around, he'll either get caught on something or get a concussion from hitting his head on low doorways and ceilings or get a face full of cobwebs for his troubles. 

To make up for his inability to go out and explore himself, he watches an absurd amount of urbex videos in his spare time.


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Nope! No way. Don't even think that he'll willingly step a foot into an old, abandoned, dusty building if it isn't a mission and he isn't getting paid for it, he definitely doesn't get the appeal or understand what he's supposed to do.

Not to mention his wardrobe, he wears expensive designer suits, and God forbid he ruins them.

But he does encourage his teammates (especially Pesci) to go out and explore, saying that it's good for training, but in reality, he's just old and doesn't see the fun in it.

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