Weather Report relationship headcanons

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Weather will like it if you give him a nickname. He likes his name, but he finds it endearing if you have cote, lovey-dovey things to call each other in private. Although too much physical attention often makes him uncomfortable. Holding hands, quick hugs and little pecks on the cheek are fine if you warn him beforehand. Don't worry, in due time he will warm up to your wishes to touch him more and he'll seek you out himself. 

Weather likes to spend time outside. Being in closed-off spaces stresses him out, so you'll often go out for walks down the street or walk along your local beach. Weather loves to spend time by the seaside. Hearing the crashing of the waves and feeling the warm sand between his fingers relaxes him. You'll find yourself spending the day out under the warm sun, looking for small sea creatures in the shallows. 

Weather is very observant and he notices every little detail about you no matter how subtle it is. He'll compliment you a lot too, and his compliments always are heartfelt. 

As a result of him being so observant, he will most definitely notice if something is bothering you. It's in times like these you feel most loved by him, the kind words spill from his lips like a river. He'll hold your hands in his and swears that 'he'll always be there to chase away the gray clouds that hang around you when you're upset'.

It's common for you and Weather to have your own little traditions that help you get through particularly tough weeks. For instance, on Fridays, you two try out new recipes that you find in magazines. Every other Monday you like to surprise each other with breakfast in bed. 

It'll take some time for Weather to work up the courage to kiss you. But when it happens, you swear you could hear angels sing. His kisses are soft and caring as if he gives you a part of his heart and soul every time you kiss. Too bad it takes a lot of persuasion on your part to convince him to kiss you.  

Weather likes to see you interacting with your stand. Weather Report is very soft, both inside and out. Weather's stand is a bit more comfortable with you, or your stand, touching him. So, you'll often cuddle up to Weather Report if you need some physical reassurance. 

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