six . tokyo metropolitan something school

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all she was given was a letter, an address, and a bit of encouragement from the taxi driver to find her way to the school.

ayame would say that it was... strangely easy. perhaps it was because the school was located literally in the mountains, and can be spotted if you looked hard enough.

the hard part was climbing the stairs.

oh, the stairs.

as ayame lifted her foot up from the last step, she immediately collapsed to the ground, huffing as if she just ran a marathon. sweat trickled down her forehead and her chest felt heavy, her body making sure to take in every bit of oxygen around her.

'oh god.' ayame leaned on her suitcase. yes, she had to climb the stairs with her suitcase and backpack, and her physical abilities weren't the best, 'oh god i almost died. i am ascending.'

it took a couple of minutes to calm down her breathing. after that, ayame rested her chin on her suitcase, and scanned her surroundings.

the light breeze brushed her skin, and ayame felt like she was in a room with air-conditioning. ahh, yes. the temperature in the mountains are always the best. ayame smiled at how chilly it was.

"ooh, you made it!"

a girl wearing a black uniform walked up towards ayame who was on the ground. the girl's uniform seemed to be modified, as the shirt had short sleeves, and revealed the sleeves of the white dress shirt underneath. she also wore a pair of black slacks.

the girl had fair skin and sharp eyes, reminding ayame of a fox's. her wavy light brown hair was styled in a low ponytail. her smile was dazzlingly bright, and it caught ayame off-guard.

"oh... um..."

"let me help you. must've been tough going up the stairs, right?" before ayame could respond, the girl said as she slung ayame's backpack onto her shoulder. she then offered a hand, to which ayame took and got off the ground.

"thank you... um." ayame couldn't help but stare at the stranger like she hadn't had any human contact in years. "...i'm ohashi ayame... i'm supposed to be a first year...?"

the girl brushed off the dirt on ayame's clothes. "right. and i was told to fetch you, ayame-chan. i'm a second year here, so i'm your senior." the girl then stood up straight to introduce herself. she slapped her hands onto ayame's shoulder with shining eyes. "my name is akarui shinju - but if it's you, you can just call me shinju-senpai! okay, ayame-chan? you got that? 'shinju-senpai'!"

with each word, shinju gradually closed into ayame's face, and ayame, of course, leaned away with lips pressed into a thin line. not to be rude to her new senior, of course.

"okay... shinju-senpai."

"yay! oh man this is amazing, we're gonna have lots of fun. i'm going to teach you LOTS of stuff and we can go hang out and eat together and -"

ayame zoned out. the rest of the words flew in and out of her ears. is she going to have to talk to her everyday? i mean, it's nice to have someone to talk to but it might be too much for her to handle.

the girl glanced at shinju, who was still running her mouth about things she couldn't register. upon closer look, ayame barely saw a layer of cursed energy around shinju's form. her cursed energy was well controlled, which is the norm among jujutsu sorcerers.

'well, i'm not a sorcerer yet, but i can control my energy just fine. thanks to grandma.'

shinju pulled on ayame's arm, dragging her deeper into the school grounds. "come! let's get you settled in, ayame-chan."


the school was peaceful, and ayame definitely liked it. perhaps it was because she was surrounded by nature.

i mean, nature is supposed to be calming.

ayame didn't expect to get her own room, though.

"wait... we're not sharing rooms?" was what ayame asked as shinju brought her to the dorms. "i get my own room?"

"yep. we don't have that many students, you see."

"now that you've mentioned it... i haven't seen other students besides you, shinju-senpai."

"well, for second year students," shinju held up a hand and started counting. "there's only... two students. including me."


"and for the third years, there are three!"

ayame blinked.

"then for the first years...?"

"including ayame, there's two."

ayame's face had a lot of creases. her brows were furrowed and her nose was scrunched up as if she had seen someone taking a dump in front of her.

(she has not.)

"who's the other one beside me?"

shinju rubbed her chin. "pretty sure his name is hakari. i haven't talked to him, he arrived right before i got back from a mission. satoru was the one who told me about him." the girl then smiled and placed a hand on ayame's shoulder. "he's gonna be your buddy-buddy for the next three years, so do your best befriending him!"

'ah... socializing...'

after that, ayame was left alone in her room to sort out her belongings, as shinju had some personal business to attend to.

it only took ayame about an hour to arrange her room the way she liked it, and by then it was about afternoon. ayame flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.



ayame instantly got up, and rummaged through her backpack.

'i'm sure i brought it - oh.'

she pulled out a rolled up paper that looked like a poster. unrolling it, a grin appeared on ayame's face. on the poster was a picture of her favourite idol...

sora from the idol group, vts.


ayame leaped onto her bed and stood on it, lifting her hands up to the ceiling. thankfully, the room was low enough for someone her height to reach it.

'oh, he's beautiful. he looks so beautiful.'

ayame was using all of her willpower to suppress a loud squeal. she cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

'no, this isn't the time to be fangirling over sora-kun.' ayame jumped off her bed, landing with a soft thud. 'of course, every second is for sora-kun, but...'

the girl clenched her fists as she glanced at her door. she furrowed her brows, her eyes glistening with determination.

it was time for human interaction.

it was time for human interaction

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