twenty six . contract

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"she'll wake up soon, this isn't time for useless chat."

"i know exactly that, which is why we'll get straight to the point." himawari replied as she sat down in front of ayame.

three children began climbing onto ayame, one on her lap, the other on her back and the last one was on... her head?

"so... what do you want to talk about?" ayame asked, as one of the freesia children tugged onto her cheek.

"ah, yes. i would like to discuss about our contract."


"our contract?"

"yes. you don't have to do anything, really. in fact, the second i mentioned it, the contract has already been set in stone."

"huh? but i don't even know the details - " ayame slightly leaned forward, ignoring the fact that one of the freesia children fell off of her. "isn't this unfair?"

himawari paused. she slowly placed her cup down as if she realized something. "oh, you're... right." she coughed. "i should've explained it to you first."

"you're way too excited for this, himawari-san." the boy made out of sakura petals teased the sunflower, to which he earned a light flick on his shoulder.

"indeed, i was too excited. let me explain,"

and himawari did explain to ayame about the contract. there weren't major changes to her lifestyle, as the contract had already been halfway into completion, judging by the fact that ayame could summon her flower spirits. however, she wasn't able to fully use their abilities because it was incomplete.

now, with the contract set in place, ayame could feel an even bigger potential blooming.

the conditions were simple.

All myself to you, and you to me.


ayame nodded, it made sense, she guessed. very... ominous. there was nothing she could do to change it anyways, but she could understand it fully. though, himawari would like that there were no misunderstandings, and so she began,

"in other words, it means - "


a loud voice, one which came from shirayuri, exclaimed as the spirit pretty much shoved her face into ayame's own. ayame blinked as the smell of a white lily seeped into her nose.

"romance, ayame-sama! the ultimate romance of the age, between the two of us! ehehe, just the two of us~" shirayuri gently took ayame's hands into her own. even without her facial features, the human girl could 'see' the beaming smile of shirayuri, and how her eyes would sparkle if she had a pair.

"you mean all of us." shirayuri was, once again, dragged away from ayame. though this time, kurobara was the one to do so. "wait, no, this isn't romance. what the hell are you talking about anyways?"

'i am as... lost as you.' ayame thought as sweat rolled down her cheek. 'and i'm already taken anyways. by sora. okay maybe not but, hey sora is sora, yknow? he's just so pretty and kind and - '

"let me go you muscle rose! hands off me!"

"yeah, that's about it. contract has been sealed, there's nothing left to do." himawari said, patting her dress as she stood up. "everyone dismissed!"

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