eleven . the other second year

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ayame grunted as she was slammed onto the ground, face planting. she gritted her teeth. the girl jumped back onto her feet and reeled back her fist.

'this time for sure.'

a huge amount of cursed energy began to pool around her fist. her breathing was steady. sweat mixed with dirt rolled down her face, her brows pressed together. she gritted her teeth.

just as she was about to strike her opponent, though -

"wooow~! you two are working hard."

the cursed energy around her fist vanished, and ayame turned to the voice. she raised her hand and waved.

"oh...! shinju-senpai, hello - ACK!"

hakari tugged ayame into a head lock and slammed her onto the ground, knocking the air out of her. from the impact, ayame could feel bruises forming on her back tonight. the poor girl slapped hakari's beefy arms, in a desperate attempt of getting released.

it had been a couple of months since they started training together, though ayame felt like she was being bullied at that point. hakari was ruthless and didn't give her a chance to slack off. every day, they would wake up at 5 am and begin their training. if there were classes that day, they'd stop after an hour, and continued right after class.

if not? well... they'd train the whole day.

ayame had acquired a bunch of wounds on her body from their trainings. at the end of each day, she would manage to spot a new bruise forming on her body, some of which she didn't know the cause of it. she's thankful that her face was safe though. for now.

"don't get distracted." hakari released ayame from his dead grip, and she lied on the ground like a dead fish. "had that been a real battle, you would've died."

ayame sighed.

"hahaha, sorry for intruding. are you okay, ayame-chan?" shinju squatted beside ayame before poking her cheek with a cold canned drink. "here, bought you guys drinks. you too, hakari-kun!"

"thank you."

ayame took the can and placed it on her forehead while wiping away her sweat using her sleeve. she glared at hakari who was sipping his drink. "hey... do you really have throw me around like a ragdoll every day? i have my limits too..."

"i'll stop the day you are the one throwing me around."

ayame sighed, rolling over. "and that is... never..."

"well, she's improving." shinju said before sitting down and crossed her legs. "remember a month ago? you broke her nose."

hakari froze.

"oooh... yeah, i don't want to remember that, thanks..."

the male cleared his throat. "my bad."

shinju shrugged. "things happen. good thing you guys don't mind - oh!" the female senior's mouth shaped into a smile as she waved into the distance. "yasuhiro-kun! welcome back!"

ayame sat up. "senpai's back?"

'yasuhiro-kun', as shinju called him, perked up from his slouching posture from the sound of her voice. the male jogged over the three with a bag slung over his shoulders.

upon closer look, the male was average height. his hair was black, a bit messy with some strands getting in the way of his eyes. there was a small but visible scar on his right cheek. he was wearing the school's uniform, though the most notable thing was his extra long sleeves. one of his slacks' legs were rolled up too.

the male student was takayuki yasuhiro, the other second year besides shinju. ayame had only met him a week after her arrival, due to the fact that he was away for a few missions in fukushima.

"i'm back." yasuhiro greeted them with a smile. his voice was soft and quiet - if you didn't listen carefully, you would surely miss it. "were you training?"

"yes." hakari replied. "welcome back, senpai."

"thank you, hakari."

tugging his shirt, shinju asked. "yasuhiro-kun, are you tired? i was planning to go into the city. you wanna come?"

at the mention of the city, both hakari and ayame snapped towards shinju. they looked at her with expectant eyes, as if asking to be brought along. they haven't had the opportunity to venture out from the school yet, due to the fact that they are first years. the only times they'd go out would be missions.

yasuhiro nodded. "i'm fine with it. what time are we going?"

"umm, in an hour?"

ayame and hakari glanced at each other. ayame tapped hakari's shoulder as if to make him ask, though hakari shook his head, urging ayame to ask instead.

then, yasuhiro motioned towards his juniors. "we can bring them along too. the more the merrier, right? ayame, hakari?"

'our saviour... our angel...' the first year duo nodded, with eyes sparkling bright - hakari's wasn't that noticeable though compared to ayame's. 'finally, the outside world...!'


just like they had planned, the four of them had went out to the city with the permission of one of the teachers at school (gojou was nowhere to be found). ayame sat next to hakari in the bus as she was mentally counting her cash. thankfully she saved up a lot from missions, so she could get by.

right now they were all standing in sidewalk of the bustling streets of shibuya. well, it was all of them, except now only ayame and yasuhiro were the only ones left.

shinju had run off to a nearby mall, while hakari had disappeared to who knows where.

the first year and second year students stood there in silence. they earned a few looks from passerbys, either because of their eye-catching black uniform or the fact that they are standing still in the middle of a busy street.

it wasn't after a few minutes of glancing around that yasuhiro finally spoke up. "umm, so, ayame. do you have anything in mind?"

"no... not really..."

"well, i need to buy some stuff for my bathroom."

"oh..." ayame blinked, before a lightbulb lit up in her head. "oh...! i need to buy body wash and face cleaner..."

yasuhiro clasps his hands - er, well, sleeves - together and smiled. ayame felt like she had to cover her eyes from how blinding the senior's smile was. "then let's go together. we need the same items after all." then, yasuhiro turned around and began walking. "stay close to me, this place is crowded."

'man, this feels like a date...' ayame thought. 'oh, but my heart is for sora. sorry senpai.'


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