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Sam's P.O.V

"Arizona! Don't swim at the deep end!" Jc hollered at her. She nodded her head jumping in the water, followed by 3 toddlers and 2 more kids her age. We were all relaxing out on a summer day at our pool. Connor recently got sober and found a good paying job. He came over today with his husband, his adopted 3 year old boy and 12 year old girl. Trevor also came over with his wife and two girl toddlers. Trevor was 19... A little young to have a wife and kids, but he insisted it was love. And I know what that feels like. Kian. Kian died of a drug overdose about a few months ago. He did not have a funeral. On the brighter side of things we make videos here and there. We got connected with our fans again and everything is so much better. I am still amazed most of us got out of this alive. We'd all been through drugs, alcohol and prison. We've experience pain beyond extreme measures. But we've also experienced love. And forgiveness and just life itself.

"Dad, Ben hit me!" Arizona whined Pointing at an innocent looking Ben with a devious smile. The other kids snickered.

"Can't you just get along with your brother? Ben no hitting." I said sternly and he pouted. She stuck her tongue out at him and he screamed tackling her. I let out a chuckle. Two kids. I don't know how we're going to do it. We adopted a beautiful boy a few months ago. When Arizona turned 10 we decided she needed a companion. He also had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very energetic, but sweet at the same time. He fit right in our crazy family.

"Lilly! None of that! Do not splash water in your sisters face! How many time have I told you!" Connor yelled from his chair. The two twins glared at each other with absolute disgust. Claire decided to make it even and yanked one of Lily's little brown pigtails. Lily let out a yelp and decided to try to drown Claire. Connor stomped over there and they automatically stopped. He gave them a stern talking to and then he walked away. The girls were obviously still mad at each other.

"It's all your fault!" They screamed at each other at the same time. The swam in different directions. Trevor's kids played nicely with each other, sharing their toys and such.

"They never fight." Trevor commented what everyone was thinking.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Jc mumbled. We really didn't mind the fighting. It's what made our family ours. Food fights, yelling, tickles, pouting, but most of all love.

"I forgot to tell you today that, I love you." I smiled looking at my flawless husband.

"You tell me everyday. I won't forget." He chuckled.

"But you need to know. I like reminding you. Just incase you have any doubt." I stated poking his nose.

"Well in that case, I love you too. Very much." He responded and I pecked his lips in response. He giggled rubbing our noses together. A choir of 'ew' erupted from the kids. And when I kissed him the choir grew 10x louder and the parents just chuckled. I kissed his temple before he buried his face in my neck and I brought him closer to me. He's so adorable. And mine.

"I think it's cute." Arizona stated smugly. Arizona was getting so big. We had a big party when she turned 'double-digits'. I wish she was a little 8 year old again who clung onto me all the time. But I'm glad she's growing up. She goes to the therapists twice a week and takes medicine everyday. Soon she's going to be weened off if. I'm so proud of what she's become. She's so strong. Always fighting. So we had to join the fight. We had to Fight For Arizona.


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