Chapter 18

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Sam's P.O.V

On the ride to the police station worried thoughts went through my head. Is she dead? Am I gonna go to jail? What did I do? We might not get Arizona back. When we did get there the police roughly walked me to the familiar building. They took my to the room in the back sitting me down and leaving. I feel like an actual convict.

"So. Sam Pottorff." I heard a man say in a New York accent entering the room. He sat down in the chair in front of me. Grey suit and hair. He looked very serious which scared me.

"You know why you're here son?" He asked folding his hands. I nodded my head.

"How about you tell me." He said.

"I pushed Bre off me and she fell backwards and hit her head." I said tearing up.

"Why did you push Bre off of ya?"

"Because she wanted to have sex and pissed me off and it was just a lot going on. I didn't mean it I swear I had no control over my body."

"You know how many times I hear the excuse I didn't mean it?" He asked me.

"A lot."

"Damn right. Don't give me that excuse. I know you're smarter than that poor excuse."

"I was really angry. She was saying horrible stuff and jumping and kissing on me."

"Is this your girlfriend."

"Hell- I mean no definitely not at all."

"Aren't you the kid who came in with that other kid looking for a little girl?"

"Yes." I said biting my lip. Jc's face imprinted in my brain making it harder not to cry.

"I have a feeling these two cases connect. Tell me. Tell me what happened."

"We adopted Arizona when we were 18. We had good times and so much fun. Until she wanted to go back. So we did what was best an borough her back. Bre then adopted Arizona when we gave her back. She wiped her memory so she wouldn't remember us. She took her to some type of doctor. Then she got in contact with us and Bre didn't like that so she tried to take her to a mental hospital. But she ran away and she was kidnapped and raped by some man. And than my boyfriend flipped out on me cause it was too much stress and he flew back to LA. Then she came along jumping and kissing me and wanting sex and shit. And she said things that pushed me over the edge. (Ironic) so I pushed her off me. I just wanted it all to stop. I just gave up." I was crying by the end of this speech. The man just looked at me with no emotion.

"Did you say boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said sniffling.

"So you're gay."


"Are you proud?"

"I guess."


"What do you mean good?"

"It's good that your gay and proud. You've got a lot to stand for." I nodded my head making me cry harder. Everything reminds me of him.

"Look at ya. Ya crying an ocean over here. You are only a kid. 19 years old and going through hell. You're practically a baby if you ask me. You're in way over your head and you can't go back. So now you have to deal with it. One you need to get that boyfriend of yours back with you cause kid, you need him. Two don't stop fighting for Arizona because you're already so far. You'll get her back. But three. Three kid you could've committed a murder. They don't know if she's dead, but if she is-you've got another big problem. So let's take care of one eh? What's your boyfriend's number?"

I was speechless. Nobody has ever really talked to me like that. In an understanding and caring way. But was forceful and convincing.

"It's ***-***-***." I stuttered. He dialed it on his phone.

"Come down to the police department. ASAP kid. I have ya boyfriend here." And he hung up. In a matter of 10 minutes flat he was at the police station. I could hear his voice all frantic. He entered the room looking exhausted. He looked at me and then the man.

"What's going on?" He asked the man.

"I let you two talk it out yeah?" And with that he walked out of the room. I could see tears fill Jc's eyes. I felt so bad. He looked so tired, and broken. I walked over to him slowly and hugged him. And he hugged back crying into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. So sorry." He mumbled. I just nodded my head. All the emotions were just overwhelming. He cried harder shaking.

"It's okay." I managed to say. And we just stood there crying for a good 15 minutes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I'm just so confused and tired. It's so overwhelming and I just...burst. I fucking love you Sam, and I would die for you. I will show you in anyway possible. I love you because you never left even when I told you and said the most hurtful things. And I love you because I care about you so much and you're an amazing person. I love you." He said. My heart filled with joy at every word he spoke. Cause I knew it was true.

"Baby I love you more than life. Than air. Than anything that anyone could've have ever given to me. I would never leave you. Ever. No matter what you do or what you're feeling. I will fight for us and Arizona. You're a beautiful and special person who deserves much better than this. We went through hell and back. But we did it together. And that's what kept me going. That you were there. You were there to pick me up when I couldn't go anymore. You saved me. I love you." I was really crying by the end of my speech and so was he.

"Will you marry me?" I asked. He gasped.

"Of course!" He cried. I was for the first time in forever I was actually genuinely happy. I let him go from the hug and kissed his salty lips. It was a sweet passionate kiss. I missed that feeling. He put his arms around my neck and I put mine on his waist.

"You know I don't have a ring right?" I asked him.

"Yeah but that's okay." He laughed. And I laughed to. Like really laugh without faking it. And it was great. I pulled him in for another loving kiss.


Okay so I just gave myself the feels on level 627273839392938484. Oh my god this was so emotional to write and I'm very proud of this chapter. I almost cried.. So Sam and Jc are engaged! :D! And don't worry the books not ending soon. Please vote and comment! Ily u all thx for everything.


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