Someone to trust

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 December 23, 2008

Dear Charlie,

I got home from my uncle’s house. It was nice and comfortable although outside was really cold. Something bad happen. I was on the phone with my friend, who I want to remain anonymous so I’m referring to her as “Sam”. Sam and I were friends for a long time, but things change, and we stopped talking. Afterwards we started talking again. The phone call was my idea. I wanted to tell her about how have I been feeling lately. And I did, but then she started to talk and I noticed she was opening to me. She never did that before. And I felt good about it, because I knew I had her as a friend. But then she started to tell me about a serious problem, she trusted me with her secrets, and I promise not to tell, so I wont say anything of what we talked, sorry, but she talked, and I kept listening, into the point were she wanted to cry, so I told her “It’s ok, you can cry if you want to” and without hesitation she did. But she kept talking, and as she did, I felt more sad, because of my hypersensitive problems. I feel the same pain the other person reflects. So I started to cry too. She didn’t noticed I think. I didn’t want her too, because she needed someone to be strong. I was so heartbroken, I didn’t had a word to say, I just listened, the whole time as she started to say all this things, she was going through, she mentioned her birthday, it’s soon. I was thinking of buying her something with the rest of the money I have, I don’t know what yet. I have to go now, I need a shower (again) so I’m guessing I’m still sad about the whole thing.



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