Second chance

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  • Dedicated to My girlfriend, Morgan

            Getting out of the party felt like an eternity. We had to say goodbye to Emma’s friends and they tried hard to make us stay, but in the end, they saw how upset I was and told Emma to take me home. I was thankful for that. Even if they didn’t know me, they were able to see how I was feeling and were nice enough to let Emma take me home.

        So after our goodbyes, Emma took my hand and led me to the door. As soon as we got outside we noticed it was raining. The weather this morning told me it was going to rain, but I wasn’t expecting such a powerful storm. The wind was blowing with an incredible force and the rain was falling so hard that it created some kind of ‘curtain of water’, only allowing us to see a few meters ahead. I was surprised we didn’t notice about the storm before, but then again, the music inside the house was too loud to allow you to listen to what was happening outside the house.

        It was obvious we couldn’t go home just now, so we got back into the house and stand by the open door, waiting for the storm to calm down enough to let us go home. Emma’s hand was still in mine and I could feel her eyes on me while I looked outside the door.

        “Izzy, what happened?” Emma finally said.

        I kept looking at the street, not wanting to look at her. I knew that if I looked at her, she would notice how upset I was. I didn’t even know what got me so upset, so how I was going to explain Emma why was I acting that way?

        “Nothing happened, Emma. What are you talking about?” I replied.

        “I’m talking about how you got after you saw April with her boyfriend in the hall,” she said, taking completely off of guard. Oh, so she noticed. I was trying to think about an answer but Emma squeezed my hand and talked again, “You can tell me anything Izzy, I’m still your friend.”

        I was never so glad to hear those words. Emma and I still didn’t talk about the kiss and I knew she liked me, so it was hard for me to think about what to do about the situation. Of course I wanted to kiss her, but did I want a relationship?

        I turned to look at Emma, giving her a warm smile. “Thank you Emma. I just-”

        I got cut off when April stepped in front of me and looked at the two of us. “Can we talk Izzy? Please.”

        I looked back at Emma and I couldn’t figure out the look in her eye. Was she sad? Or maybe mad? It didn’t matter, I wasn’t going to talk with April now. So I shook my head and replied, “Not now, April. Maybe some other day.”

        April took my wrist, but quickly realized I was holding Emma’s hand, so she immediately let go of it and looked at me with the same pleading look she gave me all week long. “Please Izzy, we need to talk. I miss my best friend.”

        Listening to her saying that felt like someone was stabbing my chest. Of course I missed her back and I wanted to make things better. I missed my best friend as much as she missed me, and I was willing to step on my own proud and tell her I was sorry for ignoring her, but now wasn’t the time.

        I let out a sigh and looked at down at her. “Now it’s not the best moment, as you can tell.” April’s eyes went quickly to Emma’s hand interlaced with mine and back at my eyes. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking at that moment. “But I will go by your house on Sunday and we will talk.”

        April finally smiled and her eyes showed so much happiness that you almost wouldn’t notice how puffy they looked. “Thank you Izzy. We really need to talk and I will explain everything to you. I promise.” With that she gave me a quick little kiss on the cheek.

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