Detention and a lesbian

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  • Dedicated to My girlfriend, Morgan

        After practice I took a quick shower and immediately ran to the library to find April. She was waiting for me at one of the tables with her elbows propped on in and her chin resting on her hands. As soon as she saw me to bolted up from the table and started walking to me.
        “You are late Isabella,” she said while walking along with me to the back of the library.
        “I missed you too babe.” I swung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me when she tried to push me away.
        “Mrs. Hill was here 10 minutes ago. Where were you? She showed me all the work we have to do and it’s not going to be fun.”
         I looked down at her. “My dear April, when are you going to learn that every detention with me it’s fun?” I looked around for the teacher, “By the way, where is the witch? Please tell me she went away and I won’t have to see her face until tomorrow.”
         April giggled and nodded her head. “She is not here so you should be happy about it.” She took my hand and led me faster to the back of the library, “C’mon Izzy, we have a lot of work to do and Mrs. Hill said we can’t go anywhere until we finish.”
        I groaned a follower her to the shelf where we had to put all the books in their place, by order. This is going to be a long detention. It took a few minutes for April to explain everything we had to do before we started working.
         The library was quiet because no one was there except for the two of us. And let me tell you, this place is so scary when no one is around. I’m sure if someone came right now and killed April and I, no one would know about it until tomorrow morning just when they open the library before class. Next time I won’t pass any more notes with April in class if that crazy witch is anywhere near us, ready to give us a detention on the second week of the year.
         We tried to work quickly, or at least I was, but I couldn’t say the same about April who was glancing at me more than she puts books on the shelf. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised and she looked away and got back to work. She must want to talk. April was never those kind of girl who has a lot of patience and could wait for a long time. She is like a time bomb about to explode and ask a million questions.

        So when I saw her starting to glance at me again I sighed and turned to her to say, “C’mon April, stop looking so much at me and start asking before you go crazy.”

        She smiled knowing I read her perfectly every single time. She put another book on the shelf and turned to me. “Ha, you know me so well. So, why don’t you give Nathan a chance? I never got to read the note.”

        I sighed. “Cause you know he is like my brother to me, pup. I know him since 8th grade, I can’t see him at anything else but a friend."

        “I think you should give him a chan-"

        I cut her off, “And then what? I give him a chance, I get his hopes up and then we go back to our friendship with him begging me to go on another date and trying to convince me we are meant to be.” I shoved the book I have in my hand in the place it should go and look back at April, who was frowning slightly.

        “Why it’s so hard for you to give him a chance? It won’t kill anyone Isabella.”

        I groaned a bit, closing my eyes for a few seconds. “Cause I don’t want to April, and he is definitely not my type.” Or any boy it’s not my type for that matter, I thought.

        She took a seat on one of the chairs, looking at me. “Then tell me Isabella, what is your type? Cause you never talk about boys with me so I can’t even set you up on a date with some of my friends.”

        I muttered under my breath, low enough so she couldn’t hear me, “Girls are my type.” I shook my head and looked away from her. “I don’t want to set me up on a date with anyone!”

        “It’s because you already have a boyfriend and you don't want to tell me about it?”

        I threw my hands up in surrender. “There you go again with that shit! I don’t have anyone April, and I never even had a boyfriend before,” I said, putting emphasis in the word boyfriend.

        I was starting the feel a knot on my throat and I knew it wouldn’t take long since I would start crying. April knew that, she knows very well that I hate discussions and I always end up crying when we discuss things. She got up from her seat just when I took a seat in one of the couches and put my face in my hands.

        April talked to me in a soft voice, “Izzy, tell me what’s wrong... I know you hate when we have a little fight but we have been avoiding this talk for the longest time.”

        I shook my head a bit, with my hands still covering my face. “Leave it alone April, you wouldn’t understand.” I could feel her take the seat next to me and put her hand on my back.

        “I’m your best friend Izzy. I love you more than anyone else. Of course I would understand.” She started rubbing my back to comfort me. I mumbled though my hands while crying softly, “No you wouldn’t...”

        She continued rubbing my back. “Try me.”

        I took a deep shaky breath and looked up at her with tears streaming down my face. It’s now or never Isabella, don’t be a coward. I opened my closed my mouth a few times before finding my voice again.

        “I’m a lesbian.”

        Her hand immediately stopped rubbing my back and she looked at me with wide eyes but she didn’t say a single word. Of course she wouldn’t understand. How could I be such a fool to believe she would be okay with it? I'm her best friend for God's sake! She would freak out and push me away cause she is disgusted by me. Maybe she will even think I have a thing for her or some crap like that. I closed my eyes, preventing myself for crying harder, but surprisingly, I feel April’s arms wrap around me, holding me tight while I cried on her shoulder.

          I cant believe she is hugging me. As she hugs me tighter I can't help but cry harder. "Why are you still hugging me?" 

        She pulls back slightly and looks in my eyes before saying, "Izzy I could never feel anything bad towards you. We are like sisters."
        I look down slightly trying to hide the sadness I felt at those words, but I look up before she sees it. "Izzy you are my best friend.. So what if you like girls? I still love you. We have been through much worse. Remember the time we had the flour fight?" I giggle softly at her response, remembering the fight she was talking about. My parents had been so mad because we made such a mess.
        "Your awesome April." I started tearing up again and thinking about how the rest of the school would react. I don't think everyone would react as good as her. I'm not even sure about my group of friends.

        She whispered softly to me, “I love you Izzy. Don't cry, everything is going to be okay.”

        I sobbed into her shirt, ruining it completely. “I love you too April.. I just dont know what I'd do if I had lost you or someone found out.”

        I could hear April’s smile on her voice when she talked to me. “You are an idiot if you thought you would lose me because you are lesbian, and dont worry we will face it together.” She pulled away from the hug after a few minutes enough to look at me and started whipping away my tears. “Now. Onto new business , it will be harder, buuut I think I can set you up with a girl too.”

        I couldn’t help but laugh at her suggestive winking and her attempt to cheer me up. It really worked. What would I do without her? I sniffled, whipped away the rest of my tears with the sleeve of my shirt and looked at the cart with lots of books that should be put of the shelf. I really need to distract myself before I start crying again, so finishing this job was the best way I could think about right now. I'm such a cry baby.

        I stood up and offered her my hand to stand up. She took it and looked at the books too.

        I told her, “I think we should hurry so we can finish this and go back home. I’m so tired.”

        She looked down at her shirt and back at me with a smile. “Yeah, and I need a dry shirt since you kindly ruined my favorite one.”

        I laughed and playfully pushed her by her shoulder. “Shut up. Stop whining about your shirt and help me finish so we can get over with this stupid detention.” I can't believe I was so stupid to I kept during so many years my secret from her. I had been so scared and I never stopped to consider she is my best friend. She was there through everything, of course she wouldn't go away because of this. My stupid brain panicked and I thought the worst about her. Poor April, she doesn't deserve to have me thinking like that about her, and I don't even deserve such a perfect best friend.

        She looked at me with a smile and grabbed a book before saying, “Okay, but I still have a lot of questions for you.”

        I rolled my eyes and started to work along with her. “Of course you do, detective.”

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